SAN DIEGO (SDJW) –A tribute dinner honoring Congresswoman Susan Davis’s 70th birthday and 30 years of public service will be held Wednesday evening, April 23, at the downtown San Diego Central Library, 330 Park Boulevard A VIP reception at 6 p.m. and general reception at 6:30 p.m. will precede a minimum $125-per-ticket catered meal.
In issuing an invitation to the affair, City Council President Todd Gloria (who recently completed duty as Interim Mayor) noted that he had begun his career “working for Susan and have had the privilege of knowing her since I was a young man. She is a mentor and a friend and remains a touchstone for me as I move through my own career in public service.”
Gloria said Davis is more about getting things done in Congress than getting credit. However, he added, constituents and friends should be aware that “Susan was the first person ever to bring a hearing to Congress on ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,’ and…worked for years behind the scenes to repeal it.”
Further, he said, Davis helped stop “a toll road from cutting through our beautiful coastline in North San Diego County.”
“Susan’s been a champion for research on Alzheimer’s, multiple cancers and diabetes, in addition to leading the charge for funding at the National Institutes of Health,” said Gloria.
Preceding provided by Susan Davis for Congress. Articles in San Diego Jewish World on Jewish Democratic women in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives are sponsored by Laura Galinson in memory of her father, Murray Galinson.