Overland Park shootings stir heart- felt reactions; third victim, Terri LaManno, was visiting her mom

San Diego Jewish World news roundup

Terri LaManno
Terri LaManno

There were new developments and more responses Monday to the killing of three people at Jewish institutions in the Kansas City suburbs on Sunday and to the suspect calling out “Heil Hitler” to reporters after being taken into custody.

Fox News reported that the woman shot in the parking lot at Village Shalom, an assisted living facility, had been identified as Terri LaManno, 53,  who had been visiting her mother there.  LaManno, an occupational therapist at the Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired., leaves a husband and two children, authorities said.  LaManno was a Catholic.

The family of one of the previously identified victims, 14-year-old Reat Underwood, released a video of him singing the National Anthem at an assembly. Reat was sitting in a car on Sunday at the Overland Park JCC with his grandfather, Dr. William Lewis Corporan, when accused gunman, Frazier Cross Jr. allegedly opened fire. The two slain family members were Methodists.

The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations extended its condolences to the families of the victims of the shootings outside of two facilities of the Jewish community in the Kansas City suburbs.

It also noted that “the perpetrator is reported to have a history of both anti-Semitic and racist activities. It is a reminder of the dangers of homegrown terrorism and the threat posed by extremist organizations or individuals. Coming on the eve of Passover, it is particularly important that all community institutions take the proper steps to maximize security, but at the same time, people should not be dissuaded from attending communal events, services or programs.

“During the Passover service, we are reminded that there are those who arise in every generation who are motivated by violent, baseless hatred, extremist ideologies and radical philosophies. While Jews may be targeted, all people become victims. We hope this will lead to more vigilance at every level to expose and act against those who promote, support or take part in such horrific acts. The best way to properly memorialize and pay tribute to the victims is to make sure that everything is done that it not happen again.”

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs expressed solidarity with the families of the victims and the entire community.

“On behalf of our 140 local and national member organizations, we are deeply saddened and upset by this heart rending attack. Any loss of life is a tragedy, but the pain is deepened by the shooter’s apparently hate-filled motives that have no place in our society. We stand in solidarity with the entire Kansas City community as we learn more and begin the process of mourning and recovery,” said JCPA Chair Susan W. Turnbull and JCPA President Rabbi Steve Gutow.

JCPA Vice President Andi Milens, who is in her hometown of Kansas City for the holiday of Passover, said, “This is a closely knit Jewish community that is part of a caring and supportive general community. But sadly, my hometown of Kansas City will now add its name to the long and growing list of communities to know the pain of senseless gun violence. Even as we mourn this tragedy, we gather for Passover. We celebrate our freedom from slavery, but we also note that we are not free from the scourge of gun violence. We must rededicate ourselves to the passage of sensible gun violence legislation. And in the meantime, our institutions must remain vigilant. There is no such thing as ‘it won’t happen here.'”

The Jewish Federation of San Diego County’s president and CEO, Michael Sonduck, said: “The Jewish Federation of San Diego stands in solidarity with the people of Greater Kansas City as we reflect upon the terrible events that took place Sunday afternoon. Today we stand together in mourning the lives lost in this senseless and horrific event.

“Federation and our partners pledge to do whatever we can to support the Kansas City community, and will continue to monitor any security concerns in our San Diego community. As we gather with family and friends to reflect upon the lessons of Passover, let us all be blessed to be among the ones we love, and strive for a world free of hate and terror.

“Our hearts go out to those who have suffered such sudden loss on this tragic day.”

Hanif Mohebi, executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations, wrote: to San Diego Jewish World:  “An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us.  It makes me sick just to listen to this hater. … Hate is real and we all need to work together as brothers and sisters against all kinds of hate.  The San Diego Muslim community stands with you.”

Mohebi included with his message a link to the YouTube video below, showing an interview done several years ago with the suspect in the shootings, Frazier Cross (also known as Frazier Miller), who is a white supremacist.

Preceding culled from news releases and news reports

3 thoughts on “Overland Park shootings stir heart- felt reactions; third victim, Terri LaManno, was visiting her mom”

  1. Qasim Rashid wrote: American Muslims stand in solidarity with Jewish Americans to condemn religious violence and extremism in all its forms

    Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA condemns in the strongest terms the April 13th attacks on two Jewish centers in Kansas City, which left three dead. Ahmadi Muslims offer their sincere prayers and condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the Overland Park Jewish Community Center and Village Shalom.

    “As Muslims, we have regard for all humanity: Hindus, Christians, Jews, or Muslim – they are all our fellow brothers and sisters in humanity,” said Wasim Malik, National Vice President of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA. “The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community mourns the loss of our fellow human beings. Our prayers and sympathies are with our Jewish brethren.”

    As Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, Ahmadi Muslims loudly condemn all such acts of violence and proclaim that these heinous acts have no place in a civil society or any religion. Thus, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community implores all Americans to continue efforts of tolerance and bridge building to further help prevent future acts of violence.

    About Ahmadiyya Muslim Community:
    Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a dynamic, reformist and fast-growing international movement within Islam. Founded in 1889, the Community spans more than 200 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, established in 1920, is among the first American-Muslim organizations.

    Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the only Islamic organization to believe that the long- awaited messiah has come in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) of Qadian, India. Ahmad claimed to be the metaphorical second coming of Jesus of Nazareth and the divine guide, whose advent was foretold by the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad. The Community believes that God sent Ahmad, like Jesus, to end religious wars, condemn bloodshed and reinstitute morality, justice and peace. Ahmad’s advent has brought about an unprecedented era of Islamic revival and moderation. He divested Muslims of fanatical beliefs and practices by vigorously championing Islam’s true and essential teachings.

  2. Hardly a week goes by without a new report of ANOTHER mass gun killing by some lunatic. And Americans are still trying to
    figure out the solution to these gun shootings:. Is it
    “more guns”, “less guns” , “more mental heath care”, “more religion”,
    “less bullying” , “more armed guards” etc.

    Hey, Americans!! Just Look around you at the rest of the world.
    Every other developed country in the world has ALREADY figured out how
    NOT make gun massacres a monthly news event.

    England, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Japan, Canada, Australia, South Korea, Taiwan, China, France,
    Germany…all the other developed countries of the world DON’T have
    these monthly shootings. Only in the USA have these monthly gun
    massacres become a regular ritual.

    It’s simple. Because other countries take gun ownership SERIOUSLY. People can’t just
    walk into Guns Galore and buy a shotgun or semi automatic assault rifle… like a 6 pack of beer.
    Meanwhile….owning a lethal weapon in the US is a JOKE. Anyone can own a gun….”raging racists”. the mentally insane, the
    blind, drug addicts, alcoholics, suspected terrorists, people with anger
    management issues, 4 year old toddlers, even people who don’t know
    which end of the gun is front…ANYONE..can own a weapon that can cause
    mass destruction.

    And Americans still can’t figure out why they are the only developed country on earth with monthly gun massacres?

    When other advanced countries around the world have already solved a problem that
    Americans still keep having month after month…year after year…and
    Americans still can’t figure out why they are the only one left with the
    problem.– It’s probably because Americans don’t have enough common
    sense to learn from other people.

    They have to keep making the same mistake over and over again.

    It’s called STUPIDITY.

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