McKeon calls for Hasan probe by House Armed Services Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release)—U.S. Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, the Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, on Thursday  released the following statement regarding the decision by the Army’s III Corps Commander to charge Major Nidal Hasan with 13 initial specifications of premeditated murder following last week’s shooting rampage at Fort Hood:

“The senseless shooting at Fort Hood last week shocked and saddened our nation.  The Fort Hood family remains in our thoughts and prayers as they continue to deal with the ramifications of Major Hasan’s alleged actions.

“The Uniform Code of Military Justice is the appropriate process to use to try Major Hasan, and the Members of the House Armed Services Committee will closely follow the proceedings.  We are pleased that the criminal investigation has progressed so rapidly that charges can be preferred so soon after these heinous events.  As the Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, I believe this shows that enough information has come to light to warrant an investigation by our committee as well.  We owe it to the families to probe the events surrounding this tragic shooting so we can understand why it happened, and thus, ensure it never happens again.

“Finally, I pray the Army’s actions today will begin the healing process for the families directly impacted, the Fort Hood community, and the Army family.”   

Preceding provided by Rep. McKeon