Adventures in San Diego Jewish History~December 25, 1953 & January 8, 1954

Compiled by Gail Umeham

Double Talk

Southwestern Jewish Press December 25, 1953 Page 8

By Janet and Susan Solof

Janet and Susan wish you all good things in store.
In their Season’s Greetings to you and good wishes for ’54.

Vacation has come and brought home many of our “Kollege Kids.”  Among them are Linda Solof, Roslyn Burdman, Leonard Naiman, Gary Chenkin, Carolyn Silverman, Syd Slippoff, Debra Perlmutter, Jerry Berg and Jerry Schissell from U.C.L.A.; Esther Lustig from U.S.C.; Gary Breitbard from Cal. Tech; Paul Kaufman, Jean and Ellen Goldstein, Jack Pearl from Berkeley; Lou Kleinman from Pomona; Larry Solomon from Illinois U.; Sam Sosna from Stanford; Nelson Olf from Oregon State.  Welcome home all and have fun.

Congrats to those who participated in the recent State College Speech Tournament.  Sherry Newman won the award to outstanding novice speaker.  Other winners in various speech contests were Jerry Schultz, Gloria Abramson, and Lawrence Schiller.  A job well done.

Lois Kaufman is returning home from Palm Springs to say hello to all her friends during vacation.

The Hi-Debber Ball brought many couples out on the Mission Beach Dance floor.  Enjoying the glamor were Lucy Recht ‘n Bill Kollander (sic, Kolender), Janet Solof ‘n Jerry Schultz, Georgette Lesser ‘n Gary Breitbard, Janice Klaskin ‘n Stanley Breitbard.  Barry Goldman ‘n Henrietta Faquet, Sue Hutler ‘n Dan Weinberg, Eileen Rivers ‘n Lenny Weiss, Maxine Shoenkopf ‘n Mick McLean, Linda Douglas ‘n Lou Kleinman and many, many more.

Diana Steckel recently celebrated her 12th birthday with a dinner dance for many of her friends “Crazy Fun” was had by all the kids.  Many more happy birthdays.

Lisa Ann Lieberman celebrated her 4th birthday with 12 of her friends.  Her uncle Sanford Engel came in from New York and entertained the kids and also helped them with their games.  To make the party complete, the kids “Broke the Piñata” which was filled with prizes and candy.

San Diego welcomes back their old time citizens Nelson Guyer and Loretta Goldberger.

Bye now—W-5-0679.

Jewish Center News

Southwestern Jewish Press December 25, 1953 Page 8

Teen-Age New Year’s Eve Dance
“Midnight Carnival” is the name of the gala New Year’s Eve Dance on Thursday, December 31st…8 p.m. by the San Diego Jewish Youth Council at Temple Beth Israel Center at 3rd and Laurel.  In addition to the usual decorations, favors and noisemakers, a queen will be selected from the various Jewish Youth group nominees.  A special door prize will be awarded to the lucky fellow and gal…A teenage favorite—Buddy Biotti and his Band—will provide dance music for the evening’s activities.  Hosts for this event are the San Diego AZA and BBG.

Winter Day Camp
The Camp Jaycee youngsters are looking forward to the special events planned for the last week of winter vacation:  On Monday morning December 28th—an excursion boat ride around San Diego bay; Tuesday, a cook-out at Presidio Park and trip to la Jolla Shores; Wednesday swimming at the YWCA and Thursday a final cook-out at Felicita Park in Escondido.

Regular Center Activities
The regular schedule of center activities will resume after the school vacation.

Juniors (5-12 yrs.) please note a change of the Arts and Crafts class at the Center to Wednesday afternoon at the same time as the Ballet and Creative Dance Class.  Arts and Craft Classes will be under the supervision of Mrs. Evelyn Herrmann and the Dance Classes will continue under Mrs. Irene Timen’s supervision.  Pt. Loma participants will renew activities on Friday afternoon, January 8th at the Portuguese Assembly Hall—2818 Addison St.

Discussion Group
Dr. Virginia Voek, assistant professor of psychology of San Diego State College, will be the next speaker at the Jewish Community Center’s Discussion Group meeting on Wednesday, January 13th—8 p.m. at the Center—3227 El Cajon Blvd.  Her topic in the series on “Psychology of Prejudice” will be “Why the Hate—The Personality of the Bigot.”

Makes Last Appeal

Southwestern Jewish Press December 25, 1953 Page 8

Victor Schulman, president of trhe S.D. Hebrew Home for the Aged, stated that unless $20,000 was raised within the next two weeks, building of the new Home will be seriously delayed.

He urged everyone who intends to contribute to the present drive for funds tro do so now before the year’s end.  The present drive is headed by George Neumann who can be reached at W-2626.  A call to him and you can add to the efforts of those seeking to promote the happiness and welfare of our aged.

Fund To Elect New Officers January 5

Southwestern Jewish Press December 25, 1953 Page 8

Officers of the United Jewish Fund for the year 1954 will be elected by the Fund board of directors at their meeting on Tuesday, January 5, 1954, in El Cortez Hotel.

Murray Goodrich, president, will chair the first meeting of the new board which will elect a president, three vice-presidents, a secretary, treasurer, and an executive committee of seven members.

New board members sitting for the first time as directors for the Fund are:  Edward Breitbard, Carl M. Esenoff, Milton Fredman, Max Maisel, Robert Speigel, David Stotsky, William Colt, and Samuel A. Nussman.

Present officers of the Fund include M.I. Goodrich, president; Jack O. Gross, Rodin Horrow, Mrs. Gabriel Berg, vice presidents; Manuel S. Fisher, secretary; Harry Snyder, treasurer; and David Block, Mack Esterson, Morey Levenson, Harry Mallen, Louis Moorsteen, Sol Price, Milton Y. Roberts, members of the executive committee.

The Fund board will also consider the election of area directors for Oceanside, Coronado, La Mesa-El Cajon, South Bay Area, Vista-Escondido.  At present Elmer Glaser represents Oceanside, Arthur Cohen, Coronado; and William Schwartz, La Mesa-El Cajon.

Ralph Feldman To Be Installed As Prexy Of Lasker Lodge B.B.

Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 1

San Diego Lasker Lodge of B’nai B’rith will install its 1954 officers Saturday night at 8 p.m. January 9 at the Don Room of the El Cortez Hotel.

Ralph J. Feldman is to be installed as President, Milton Fredman, Jack Lowenbein and Marshall Zucker will be seated as First, Second and Third Vice-Presidents respectively.  Other officers who will be installed Saturday night are Joseph Kaplan, Fin. Sec.; Edward Baranov, Treas.; Richard Berman, Rec. Sec.; Edmund Herman, Warden; and Milton Millman, Guardian.  Installing Officer Morris Kraus will be assisted by Henry Weinberger, Past Grand President of District No. 4.  Jeremiah Aronoff, Sam Bennett and Al Hutler are the new trustees for the lodge.  Outgoing President Harry Wax will be installed as Chaplain.

The installation and dance which follows is open to the public.

Council, Jewish Federations To Meet Here January 22nd

Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 1

Philip Bernstein of New York, associate director of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, will keynote the CJFWF’s Western States Regional Assembly, it was announced today by Murray D. Goodrich, Assembly chairman.

This annual conference of communities will take place on January 23-24 at the U.S. Grant Hotel.  Locally appointed delegates from ten western states and western Canada will attend.

Mr. Bernstein, a nationally recognized authority on Jewish community life will highlight the three day discussion of vital problems and programs concerning the operation of local services, immigration, planning and financing Jewish responsibilities.  He will speak on “Meeting Jewish Community Responsibilities.”

Serving as discussants in thus session will be Judge David Coleman, President of the Los Angeles Jewish Community Council, Walter D. Heller, president of the San Francisco Jewish Welfare Fund, Eli H. Levenson of San Diego, CJFWF regional president, and Lawrence Simon, member of the board of the Oakland Jewish Welfare Federation.

On Friday morning, January 22nd, there will be an examination of “Jewish Family Services—their Place and Program.” Workshop leaders will be Leon Klugman, member of the board of the Oakland Jewish Welfare Federation, and Harry Mallen, president of the Jewish Family Service of San Diego.  The consultant will be Miss Freda Mohr, executive director of the Los Angeles Jewish Family Service.

Friday afternoon, January 22nd, will be devoted to a discussion of “Selling Services and Needs.” Workshop leader will be Julius Bisno, executive director of the Los Angeles Jewish Community Council.  Edward Bransten, Jr., member of the board of the San Francisco Jewish Welfare Fund, and Robert Fischer, board member of the Oakland Jewish Welfare Federation, will serve as discussants.

In another keynote session, to be held on Saturday, January 23, Miss Ann S. Petlock, assistant executive director of the United Service for New Americans, will speak on “Immigration Problems.” Robert J. Koshland, campaign chairman of the San Francisco Jewish Welfare Fund and past president of the CJFWF Western Stats Region, will serve as chairman and there will be two discussants, Alvin Landis, president of the Sacramento Jewish Community Council, and Joseph Roos, executive director of the Los Angeles Jewish Community Relations Council.  Albert A. Hutler, executive director of the San Diego United Jewish Fund, will function as consultant.

Workshops on “Techniques for Securing Increased Funds” will be held on Sunday morning, January 24th.  For the larger cities Rodin Horrow of San Diego and Joseph Sloss, JR., of San Francisco will lead the discussion and Milton D. Goldsmith of Portland will serve as consultant.  Mr. Horrow and Mr. Sloss are past campaign chairmen of their respective community campaigns and Mr. Goldsmith is the executive director of the Portland Jewish Welfare Fund.

For the smaller cities, Jack C. Fruchthendler, president of the Tucson Jewish Community Council, will be workshop leader and Joshua Marcus, executive director of the Long Beach Jewish Community Council will serve as consultant.  During the business luncheon on January 24th, there will be an election of officers and the adoption of resolutions.  The Assembly will conclude with an annual report and an address by Eli H. Levenson of San Diego, regional president.


“Adventures in Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our indexed “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a daily feature until we run out of history.