Recommended reading and viewing #10

Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) – Interview with Shimon Peres on the Middle Eastern situation.

Shoshi Bogoch
, the Israeli shlicha for San Diego, reminds that sign-ups are being taken for a teen trip to Israel.

Donald H. Harrison, Sightseeing in San Diego County, a growing compendium of stories about places to take your family or visitors. 

Rabbi Ben Kamin, “Carter apology to Jews must be applauded,” on 

Bruce Lieberman,Santa, dreidels mingle in festivities,” in San Diego Union-Tribune

Cantor Sheldon Merel forwarded this clip from MEMRI television of two Arab academics debating the quality of Arab education. 

Michael Rosen, “In Memoriam: Judge Napoleon Jones,” on San Diego News Room

Barry Rubin, “Dramatic New Evidence On Major Nidal Hasan and the Fort Hood Terror Attacks” on Rubin Reports

Alan Rusonik, executive director of the Agency for Jewish Education in San Diego, posted on Facebook a video of himself and family members as dancing Christmas elves.

Rose Marie Scott-Blair, “Diplomat’s papers will be housed at museum,” in San Diego Union-Tribune.