Israeli officers cancel London trip for fear of Palestinian motivated arrest warrants

LONDON (WJC)–Israeli officers invited to come to London by the British Army were unable to depart last week after UK authorities could not guarantee that they would not be arrested, according to Israeli newspaper ‘Yediot Aharonot’.

The paper reports that the Israeli Foreign Ministry approached the British government in order to ensure that the officers would be able to stay in Britain without fear. However, the British authorities could not make such a promise and therefore the delegation’s visit was canceled.

Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said the current situation could undermine good relations between the two countries. “If the British law remains unchanged, this would undermine the good relations between the two countries who share common values and interests. The British must bear in mind that these visits serve both countries,” he said.

Britain’s Attorney General Baroness Patricia Janet Scotland is currently visiting Israel and is expected to meet with Israeli Justice Minister Yaakov Ne’eman. Several weeks ago, an arrest warrant was issued in the UK against the former Israeli foreign minister and current opposition leader Tzipi Livni over her role during the Gaza war last year. Four years ago, the Israeli military warned Maj.-Gen. Doron Almog not to get off a plane at London’s Heathrow Airport on concern that he would be arrested.

Preceding provided by World Jewish Congress