RJC leader Brooks says Senate retirements harbinger of Democratic losses in 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release) — Republican Jewish Coalition Executive Director Matthew Brooks released the following statement on Wednesday:
“The sense that Democrat incumbents are abandoning a sinking ship was strengthened by the announcements that Democrat Senators Chris Dodd (CT) and Byron Dorgan (ND) will not seek re-election this year. This brings the number of Senate seats open after Democrat retirements to four. On the House side, ten Democrats have already announced their retirements.
“For the past year, the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress have pushed hard to enact a sweeping liberal agenda that includes government control of major American banks and businesses, the attempt to take over the health care sector, economic  measures that have hurt job recovery, small businesses, and homeowners, and a foreign policy that has made us weaker abroad and less secure at home. The public’s very strong disapproval of these policies and the way Democrats have enacted them is being felt on Capitol Hill like the first tremors of an earthquake.
“Democrats face serious challenges in this year’s gubernatorial elections as well. They were stunned by the announcement that Colorado Governor Bill Ritter would retire. As many as ten Democratic governors will either retire or be term-limited out of their seats this year. In 2009, Republicans Chris Christie (NJ) and Bob McDonnell (VA) won their off-year elections against Democrat incumbents, offering a glimpse of a potential sea-change at the state level.
Rep. Parker Griffith’s decision to switch parties and join the GOP was another important indicator of what 2010 might hold. For a member of the majority party in Congress to switch over the minority side is a rare and significant event.
“All in all, there are strong early signs of a potential shake-up in Washington and around the country in 2010. Democrats are right to worry about their prospects this year.”

Preceding provided by Republican Jewish Coalition