Palestinian who wanted 'to kill all the Jews' taken off plane

DETROIT (WJC) –A man was taken off a Detroit-bound plane at Miami Airport after making anti-Semitic threats. According to a police report cited by US media, Mansour Mohammad Asad stood up as Northwest Airlines Flight 2485 was about to take off  and shouted: “I am a Palestinian and want to kill all the Jews.”

The plane returned to the gate, where Asad and three traveling companions were removed. Police reportedly used a taser on Asad when he resisted exiting the plane, according to ‘NBC Miami’. The 43-year-old man from Toledo, Ohio was charged with threatening a public servant, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. He also used racial slurs against police officers.

The 144 passengers cleared the plane and re-boarded it later, but were not required to undergo another security check.

Preceding provided by World Jewish Congress