Sculpture recalling illegal immigration to Israel unveiled in Haifa

HAIFA (Press Release)–Soraya Nazarian, wife of businessman Younes Nazarian, donated a sculpture that she herself designed and created to the University of Haifa. The marble sculpture, entitled “Legacy”, depicts a ship with sails made of books, expressing the story of the Jews who landed in Israel on the illegal immigration ships (the “Maapilim”).

It represents bravery and strength alongside the vulnerability of the Jewish people. The marble signifies the land while the books represent the Jewish people’s knowledge, culture and history, which constituted a critical aspect of the immigrants’ ability to create a new beginning in the Land of Israel.

President of the University of Haifa, Prof. Aaron Ben-Ze’ev, warmly thanked Mrs. Nazarian for her unique and moving donation. “It is so wonderful for me that my wife brings me such honor,” Younes Nazarian said with much emotion at the unveiling ceremony. Attending the ceremony were Commander of the Israeli Navy Eliezer Marom; CEO of Beth Hatefutsoth (Museum of the Jewish Diaspora) Avinoam Armoni; family members; leaders of the US Iranian Jewish community; and others.

Mrs. Soraya Nazarian began sculpting in stone in the 1980s and has tens of sculptures on display in Israel and the US.

Preceding provided by the University of Haifa