Nine West Bank settlers arrested for mosque attack and vandalism

JERUSALEM (WJC)–Israeli police have arrested a group of militant Jewish settlers in the West Bank for alleged vandalism, including an attack on a mosque in a nearby Palestinian village in December.

Nine settlers were arrested for attacks on Palestinian property, including five linked to the torching of a mosque last month.  The vandals burned prayer carpets and Muslim holy books, and left graffiti at the site which said “Price Tag” – a slogan referring to the price of the Israeli freeze on settlement construction in the West Bank. 

The settlers accuse the Israeli government of caving in to pressure from the United States. They also said that police had used excessive force, including beatings, confiscation of cameras and damaging property, during the raid. 

The mosque attack was broadly condemned by Israeli officials.  Cabinet Minister Uzi Landau said the perpetrators should spend time in jail: “Just to make it clear: In our society, they are moral and social lepers.”

Preceding provided by World Jewish Congress