Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, March 19, 1954, Part II

Compiled by Gail Umeham

Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 2

Home From College–Nelson Olf and a classmate of Oregon State College Edward Elliott, will arrive in town March 22, for a short stay with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Olf.  Enroute to San Diego, Nelson and Edward, both Midshipmen at O.S.C. will be taken on a tour of Camp Pendleton and the El Toro base.

Palm Springs Calls–The Bob Gordons took off for a brief vacation to Palm Springs before daughter, Jeanie, left to take up her studies at the University of Washington.

New Home–Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harris wish to thank their friends for their many kindnesses during her recent hospitalization.

Ben and Gert are now in their lovely new home at 5489 Dorothy Dr. and are anxious to have their friends call.

San Berdoo Loses–Welcome to newcomers Mr. and Mrs. S. Cornell now living at 1029 Emerald St., Pacific Beach.  Originally from Canada, the Cornells are most recently of San Bernardino.  It was the ocean breezes that lured them to San Diego.

Short Rest–Recent guests of the Highland Springs Guest Ranch in Beaumont were Helen and Vic Schulman and Pearl and George Martin.

Bon Voyage–The South American cruise planned by Rose and Leo Greenbaum touched off a round of parties given in their honor by their friends.

The Greenbaums left San Diego Monday and sailed from New Orleans yesterday (Mar. 18).  They will visit Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina, making the boat their headquarters for the entire six week cruise, except for three days in Buenos Aires.

Fellowship Winner–David Feldman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schwartz was one of 124 students throughout the country to win the Woodrow Wïlson Fellowship.  A graduate of State College, Mr. Feldman is now studying for his Master’s Degree in Sociology at U.C.L.A. and with his family has just moved into a new home in San Fernando Valley.

Mrs. Schwartz, having returned from a visit with her son, is now entertaining, with her husband, his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. Schwartz of Peeksville, N.Y.

Bar Mitzvah–Allan Bruce Lipitt, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Lippitt, will be called to the altar by Rabbi Baruch Stern, for his Bar Mitzvah at the Beth Jacob Synagogue on Saturday, March 20 at 9:30 a.m.

Allan is the grandson of the late Cantor Abraham Silverman who was affiliated with the Sinai Temple in Los Angeles and the late Cantor Aaron Lipitz.

Dr. and Mrs. Lipitt cordially invite their friends to the Bar Mitzvah services and the reception immediately following in the Reception Room of Beth Jacob.

Happy Birthday!–A Birthday Party honoring the March birthdays of Mrs. Chaya Cysner, Mrs. Anna Blinstein, and Mrs. Bessie Shapiro, guests of the Home; and Mrs. Connie Perez, nurse at the home, was held at the Hebrew Home for the Aged on March 13.  Corsages were presented to the honorees by Mrs. Alex Cohn.

Chairmen of the Birthday Parties held each month are Isabelle Tennebaum and Rosalie Sonnabaum.

Jolly Sixteen Sponsors Purim Dinner And Dance For Military
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 2

The annual Purim dinner and dance for military personnel and their immediate dependents sponsored by Jolly Sixteen, will be held on Wednesday, March 24th, at Temple Center, it was announced by Mrs. Rose Neumann, USO-JWB Senior Hostess chairman.

As in past years, Jolly Sixteen goes all out on Purim preparing and serving in the Shalach Monos tradition a complete dinner, replete with all of the Purim treats.

All Jolly Sixteen members, including President Julia Steinman, are involved in this program of playing host to the military.  Special guests have been invited to participate as well.

Cantor Joseph Cysner of Congregation Tifereth Israel will present a program of community singing in the Purim vein.

Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 2

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Prager are pleased to announce the birth of their second child, a daughter, Susan Lee, born February 19, weighing 7½ pounds.  Eighteen month old Jeffrey Richard greeted his sister upon her arrival.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Loeser are happy to have in their home a newly adopted baby boy, Larry Mark.  His new grandmother is Mrs. Berta Zucker.


Local Council Joins Nat’l Advisory Group
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 3

The Community Relations Council of San Diego was accepted as a community member of the National Community Relations Advisory Council, it was announced last week by Harry Wax, local chairman.

The acceptance by the national body is recognition of the services rendered to the local community in combating anti-Semitism and working in the field of human relations by three local councils.

Consisting of community leaders who are members at large of the Council, the membership also consists of representatives from the B’nai B’rith lodges, Jewish War Veterans, Jewish Labor Committee, the three San Diego synagogues, the Zionist Council, and the United Jewish Fund.

The National Community Relations Advisory Council is the joint planning and coordinating agency in the field of Jewish community relations for six national agencies, the American Jewish Congress, Jewish Labor Committee, Jewish War Veterans Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, and the United Synagogue of America, and of local Jewish Community Relations Councils which now number 31 with the addition of the San Diego group.


Simon Takes Lead In Oceanside Campaign
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 3

Oceanside’s Jewish community began its work on behalf of the United Jewish Fund yesterday when Albert A. Hutler, executive director of the Fund, spoke to the membership of the North County Jewish Community Center in Oceanside.

A committee has been set up which will be the driving force in the Oceanside campaign.  The movement to join in the campaign of the Fund was led by Mr. Harold Simon, Vista attorney, who is president of the Center and Mrs. Saul Collen secretary of the newly organized North County group.

Elmer Glaser and Irwin Sklar, members of the board of directors of the United Jewish Fund representing Oceanside, will again give direction to the drive in that community.

Jews Want To Be Jews (Editorial)
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 4

A report recently released by the American Jewish Committee on a study of the Jewish Community of Trenton, New Jersey proved to be interesting.  Since this is a preliminary report, strong conclusions cannot be drawn from it but the indications are that most Jews wish to retain their identity and maintain a Jewish Community within the framework of the American Society.

The report also shows that the majority, young and old, feel more comfortable with fellow Jews than with non-Jews.  However, and this is significant, adolescents accept the non-Jew more easily than do their parents even though they reject intermarriage in a large majority of cases.  The study also goes on to point out that most Jews have experienced anti-Semitism at one time or another in their lives.  In most cases it was the “name calling” kind and in fewer instances other varieties of prejudice or discrimination were met.  Most of the Jews interviewed, when asked to define Jewishness, replied in terms of religion.  Eight out of ten adults and 97 percent of the teen-agers replied in these terms.  Apparently the gradual disappearance or weakening of older symbols of identification with Jewishness has intensified the search for other forms of belonging.  Religion seems to offer such a symbol to teen-agers.

On the subject of Israel 94 percent expressed generally warm, favorable attitudes..  However, very few (seven percent) expressed any desire to live in Israel.  This was true of both adults and children.

We hope that the American Jewish Committee will continue to make these studies in other communities across the land.  An objective study will act as a mirror to the Jewish Communities and show them the picture in a clear and unbiased manner.


Chaim Weitzman Branch, Poale Zion
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 4

The first of our monthly cultural evenings will take place on Saturday, March 27th at Tifereth Israel Center at 8 p.m.  The cultural committee consisting of Chaveras Dora Richlin, Rose Brooker and Chaver Leon Elkind are planning an interesting program and all our members and friends are asked to reserve this evening for a pleasant get-together of our chaverim.

The Joe Richlins have offered the use of a vacant store for a rummage sale.  It was therefore decided at the last meeting to make a concerted effort at collecting as much rummage as possible within the next two weeks in order to conduct this sale.  Any member having rummage for pick-up can phone either Chavera Richlin at AT-4-3028 or Chavera Brooker at CY-6-4587 and they will have the rummage collected.


Cottage of Israel
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 4

May seems to be the month of Independence Day celebrations and while we tried to reserve a Sunday in May for the Israeli Independence celebration as early as possible, we found every Sunday already booked.

We regret therefore that we will be unable to offer this annual even for our lawn program but instead will commemorate the 50th anniversary of Theodor Herzl’s death sometime in June.

Our Sunday afternoon Open House on April 18th and 26th will be devoted to a special Passover holiday display.  The community is especially invited to visit the Cottage of Israel on either of these Sundays.


Histadrut Council
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 4

The Histadrut Council of San Diego recently held a meeting to which delegates from the various Labor Zionist organizations were present.  The meeting was called for the purpose of organizing a committee of delegates to represent their organizations through the Histadrut Council in the forthcoming United Jewish Fund drive.

Mr. Ruben Umansky is chairman of the Council as well as of this specially organized committee.


“Adventures in Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our indexed “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history.