Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Responds to Haiti Crisis

SAN DIEGO (Press Release)–One late night Rabbi Israel Salanter walked by the home of a shoemaker and noticed the man working late by the light of a
flickering candle.

“Why are you still working?” he asked. “It is very late and soon that candle will go out.” The shoemaker replied,

“As long as there is even a little light, I can repair the sole.”

Soille Hebrew Day School families and friends are joining in helping the victims of the Haiti earthquake by bringing in during the week of January 25th to the 29th, gently used men’s, women’s and kids shoes to drop off in the school’s lobby. Sports Chalet will generously send them to Haiti.

The earthquake in Haiti is a reminder just how fragile our world is, and seeing the devastation that has affected so many, we have partnered with Soles4Souls to lend a helping hand. All the shoes collected will be sent directly to Soles4Souls for distribution to the Haitian people.

Many of us live with the threat of an earthquake every day, it’s only a natural response to want to do something to help… please stop by our lobby at Soille, 3630 Afton Road,  and drop off one, two, or even three pair of shoes that can help someone in need today. Make sure they are tied together or placed in a zip lock bag so the pair is together. You can also bring in gently used jeans and cokes.

The drive is being coordinated by Soille Hebrew Day School Chesed (Kindness) Committee members Paula Leos Matthews and Lea Wolf.

Preceding provided by Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School