B.J. Sisterhood Holds Purim Party Mar. 23
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 4
The Beth Jacob Sisterhood will hold its luncheon-meeting Tuesday, March 23, at noon, at the Beth Jacob Center. All members and guests are invited to attend a social afternoon with Purim favors, planned by Mrs. Jack Brisker, program chairman. Mrs. William Penn and committee are in charge of the luncheon. Mrs. Julius Penn will give a report on the card parties held the first week of March.
Rehearsals for the Gay Nineties Revue and Cabaret Night to be held May 22 and 23 have begun. Mrs. Leon Solomon is chairman of the event and has started casting.
Federation Agencies Seek Less Subsidy
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 4
Budgets of local Jewish welfare agencies in the sum of $40,373.88 will be presented to the United Jewish Fund at its April board meeting for inclusion in the 1954 campaign, according to Carl Esenoff, president of the San Diego Federation of Jewish Agencies.
The composite budget is $1,408.14 less than the amount requested by the same agencies in 1953.
It is anticipated that the Jewish Social Service Agency, Harry Mallen, president, will need $4,988.76 from the United Jewish Fund. It will receive $14,525.00 from the Community Chest.
The other Jewish agencies, which are part of the Federation, are non-Chest members and will receive their entire deficit from the Federation out of the United Jewish Fund campaign. They include the Hebrew Home for the Aged, Victor Schulman, president, which will need $6,140.00, the Jewish Community Center, Edward Breitbard, President, $17, 405.43; the Community Relations Council, Harry Wax, chairman, $2,500.00; the Émigré Program of the Fund, with Dr. Walter Ornstein as chairman, $6,000; and cost of year-around administration of the Federation, $3,339.69.
The Federation budget committee, which made a careful and exhaustive study of the budgets submitted by each of the agencies, consisted of Morris Douglas, chairman; Louis Steinman, Mack Esterson, Alex Newman and Mrs. Milton Roberts.
Bowler Wins 5 Trophies
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 5
The (accompanying) picture proves that Sam Bennett has accomplished one of the most outstanding feats in San Diego bowling history. Representing B’nai B’rith Lasker Lodge team at the National B’nai B’rith Bowling Tournament held in Los Angeles on March 6 and 7, Sam won the above trophies, competing against 510 bowlers in the District 4 Championship.
His prizes are as follows: Singles, High Game, 291, National Trophy; High Series, 715 (3 games); All Events, 2nd place, 1397 (6 games). The ball pictured above is the one that Sam used and the only reason that there are only 5 trophies is because Sam neglected to enter the sixth contest.
Besides the many cash awards, Sam won an all-expense trip to Detroit to compete in the Nationals District Competition of the U.S. and Canada.
Lasker Lodge, B. B. sent 15 men and 3 teams of 5 each. All three teams finished in the first ten. San Diego can be well proud of Sam Bennett and his valiant team members.
Lasker Lodge News
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 5
By Lou Levitt
Harry Zell, Father and Child Night committee chairman, is busily completing plans for the big night April 12. Jack Lowenbein, Jerry Aronoff, Bob and Ed Breitbard, and Lou Levitt are his assistants.
At the next meeting there will be an exciting Gin Tournament at which prizes will be given to the winners. Be certain you attend because there may be additional nominations for the delegates to the San Francisco Convention. All delegates will be voted on at this next meeting and it will be important that you attend to see that your choice wins.
Gold Menorah cards are still available to members who pay their 1954 dues before April 1st. Let’s make it unanimous and have every Lasker member a Gold Menorah card holder.
Synagogue Men’s Club Holds Dinner
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 6
The annual Tifereth Israel Men’s Club Installation Dinner, planned, cooked, and served by the men themselves, will be held at the Tifereth Israel Synagogue Center on Sunday eve., April 4. New officers to be sworn in that night will be Simon A. Rich, president; Joseph Spatz, 1st V.P.; Joseph Kader, treasurer; Ben Levenson, financial sec.; and Jerry Weissman, recording sec.
One unique feature of the Installation Dinner is that all paid-up members and their wives pay nothing for the dinner. The only admission fee is the membership card for 1954. A committee under Moe Hershey is preparing the entire dinner.
After the dinner, the formal installation service will be held in the synagogue proper. The public is invited to attend the installation service, which is slated for 8:30 p.m. Following the installation there will be a social in the new education building. Edward Breitbard and Alex Newman will be the installing officers.
Birdie Stodel To Honor Past Presidents
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 6
The Past Presidents of the San Diego Birdie Stodel Chapter No. 92, B’nai B’rith Women, are sponsoring a luncheon Monday, March 22nd, noon Temple Center. As a culmination of the celebration of its 25 years of existence they will honor those charter members over 20 of the original 55, who are still members of the chapter. A class of 17 will be installed honoring the services of Past Presidents Cele Schwartz and Bess Schissell.
A social afternoon will follow, and al members of B’nai B’rith are invited.
A Card Party will be held at Beth Jacob Center Sunday evening, March 28th. Chairman Ann Kolkey assisted by Serena Schonfeld. This will be the last affair of this term, so please come, and help us finish out our year.
Young Couples Club Square Dance
Southwestern Jewish Press March 19, 1954 Page 6
Mr. Dan Delaney, District Supervisor of the Department of Parks and Recreation, a very capable instructor and caller in the art of square dancing will conduct a series of square dancing sessions for the Y.J.C. On the program preceding the first of these series, guest speaker, Dr. Edward H. Abrams will speak on “New Frontiers in Medicine.” The date is Saturday, March 20 at 8:15 p.m. The place, the Center of the Tifereth Israel Synagogue. All are welcome, bring your friends! A social half hour and refreshments will follow the entertainment.
“Adventures in Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our indexed “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history.