Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, November 12, 1954, Part 4

Compiled by San Diego Jewish World staff

Three Synagogues Observe Tercentenary Sabbath
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 12, 1954, Page 9

In accordance with the call issued to all Synagogues by the Synagogue Council of America, the official voice of all Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Congregations, Rabbi Morton J. Cohn has invited the Rabbis and members of Congregations Beth Jacob and Tifereth Israel to join his congregation in Sabbath worship on Friday evening, November 26th, 8:15 p.m., in the Temple.

Rabbis Monroe Levens and Baruch Stern have accepted the invitation in behalf of their congregations, and thus San Diego Jewry will unite with their brethren throughout the nation in religious observance of the 300th Anniversary of the first American Jewish community.

A special worship service prepared by the Synagogue Council of America to be used nationally on this date, will be conducted at the Temple.  The musical portions of the service will be under combined supervision of Cantors Julian K. Miller and Joseph Cysner.

Rabbi Levens and Rabbi Cohn will deliver short messages on the Tercentenary theme, and the joint congregation will be welcomed by officers of the congregation. A social hour of Oneg Shabbat will follow the worship service.

The presidents of the three congregations are Morris Kraus, Beth Jacob; Edward Breitbard, Tifereth Israel, and Mack Esterson, Beth Israel. The entire Jewish community is invited to attend this unique and significant service of Thanksgiving for the blessings which this beloved land has given to the Jewish community of America.


Adult Study Institute At Beth Israel

Southwestern Jewish Press, November 12, 1954, Page 9

Member and friends of Temple Beth Israel are invited to participate in the special Tercentenary courses being conducted every Wednesday evening at 7:39 in the Temple House, Third and Maple.

The Adult Institute of Jewish Studies is open to all who wish to attend.  Rabbi Morton J. Cohn teaches the two courses, one entitled “Adventure in Freedom – the Jew in America,” and the other on the subject, “The Greatest Story Ever Told—Your Bible.”  The Temple urges you to take aedvantage of this service to the entire Jewish community.

Beth Jacob News
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 12, 1954, Page 9

A gala Thanksgiving luncheon will be given by the Beth Jacob Sisterhood at the Beth Jacob Center on Tuesday, Nov. 23. There will be entertainment and gifts for members and guests following a short business meeting.

For reservations, call AT-4-8107 or AT-4-3363.

Beth Jacob Youth League –“This is Show Business,” a show sparking with talent, will be presented by the Beth Jacob Youth League Saturday, Nov. 20, at 8:00 p.m, at the Beth Jacob Center.  It’ll be a show you won’t want to miss. Dancing, and refreshments will follow.  Everyone, adults as well as teenagers, are cordially invited to attend. There will be a donation of fifty cents. For further information call CY-6-2905.

Temple Sisterhood To Hear Mr. Samsom
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 12, 1954, Page 9

Temple Beth Israel Sisterhood is having for its November meeting Reverend Peter H. Samsom of the First Unitarian Church who will review the book, “A Fable,” by William Faulkner.  The meeting will be held on November 24 at 11:45 at the Temple Center.  Mrs. Sidney Goldstein is luncheon chairman, and her co-chairmen are Mmes. William Richartz and Jules Levin. Luncheon reservations are being taken by Mrs. Richartz, BE 9-5447 and Mrs. Rose Hillman, CY-5-4309.

Members meet every Monday morning to work together making the beautiful “Originals” which will be a feature of the February Country Fair. Sisterhood asks women to attend the Monday morning “Kaffee Katsches” as assistance is needed even from women who do not knit or sew. They are asked to bring a sandwich, coffee will be served.

Synagogues To Join With Churches In Joint Thanksgiving Service Nov. 25th
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 12, 1954, Page 9

The Annual Joint Thanksgiving Service of Beth Israel Temple, Beth Jacob Synagogue and Tifereth Israel Synagogue, will take place Thanksgiving morning, November 25, at 11;00 a.m. at Tifereth Israel Synagogue.

In the true American spirit of brotherhood, recognizing Thanksgiving as a basic American holiday, with vital religious import, the Synagogues this year have invited several churches to join with them in worship. Ministers of the churches will participate in the conduct of the service. 

Sepaker for the occasion will be Chaplain E. H. Rickel of the Naval Training Center.  Chaplain Rickel, who holds the rank of Lt. Commander in the Navy, has distinguished himself in the Chaplaincy, receiving numerous awards, citations and commendations from high ranking military and government officials.  He was formerly Rabbi of Temple Beth El, Buffalo, New York.

A social hour and refreshments will follow through the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. Maury Novak and Mrs. Leo Brett.

Noted Veteran Passes
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 12, 1954, Page 9

We regret the report the passing of Harry Isadore Mankus, brother of Mrs. Frances C. Berenson, who died in Veterans Hospital in Long Beach Nov. 1.

A long time Naval veteran, Mr. Mankus was a member of the crew of destroyers which escorted President Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Paris Peace Conference after World War I.

He was buried with highest military honors at the Navy Cemetery at Sawtelle.

City of Hope Auxiliary
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 12, 1954, Page 9

Nomination and Election of Officers will take place at our next meeting Tuesday, Nov. 1th. Bob Adler, Regional Director of Auxiliaries, met with member of the two auxiliaries this week and spoke for City of Hope at the Allocations Meeting of U.J.F.

President Ethel Berwin will lead a discussion group at the Lake Arrowhead Conference this month.

Noted Labor Leader To Speak Here Nov. 21

Southwestern Jewish Press, November 12, 1954, Page 10

The San Diego branch of the Jewish Labor Committee is sponsoring a dinner and concert honoring Benjamin Tabachinsky, National Campaign Director of the Jewish Labor Committee, Sunday evening, November 21 at Beth Jacob Synaogue.

Feigele Panitz, soprano, the beloved nationally known artists, will delight the audience with her exquisite interpretation of Yiddish and Hebrew songs, accompanied by the talented Miss Eugena Bruman at the pinao.

San Diego is looking forward with eager anticipation to this affair.

A home-cooked chicken dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. for $2.00. For reservations call: B. Feinberg – BE 2-3524; Mrs. Ira Gordon – BE 3-3648; or Herman Sonabend—AT 1-7380.

A large delegation will leave San Diego Saturday, November 13 to attend the Annual Conference of the Jewish Labor Committee, which will be held in Los Angeles. The conference will end ith a banquet dinner Sunday evening, November 14.

Jewish Center To Hold Bingo Party
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 12, 1954, Page 10

The Women’s League of the San Diego Jewish Community Center, a recently formed auxiliary to the J.C.C. is planning a bingo party Thursday, November 18th, 1:30 p.m. at the Community Center, 3227 El Cajon Blvd.

There will be cash prizes and gifts for the lucky winners, also a lovely8 door prize. Home-made refreshments will be served. A cordial welcome is extended to all J.C. C. members and their friends. Ida Beck, chairman, and her committee are planning an enjoyable afternoon for your pleasure.

The purpose of this affair is two-fold – to acquaint the community at large of the Women’s Legue of the J.C.C. and, secondly, to raise some money to get bare necessities for the so-called “kitchen” in the center (ladies, do you know there isn’t even a dish towel on the premises at present?)

This affair will benefit your child.  So, come and bring a friend. There will be an admission charge of 50 cents.

U.J.F. Annual Meet Set For Dec. 12th
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 12, 1954, Page 10

Milton Roberts, vice president of the United Jewish fund of San Diego, has accepted appointment as chairman of the 21st Annual Meeting according to an announcement by Louis Moorsteen, president.

To be held on Sunday, December 12, 6:30 p.m. at the San Diego Hotel, the dinner meeting will be dedicated, not only to the work of the Jewish community of San Diego but to the tercentenary of Jewish settlement in America which is now being celebrated throughout the country.

Retarded Children Get New Building
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 12, 1954, Page 10

San Diego Association for Retarded Children took a 5-year long step forward this week when it signed a lease for Valley View School, located on the former site of Anthony Home, with San Diego Board of Supervisors.  Here, after extensive remodeling, the association will establish a Day Center and Training Center for retarded pre=school children and young adults.

A preview of the Valley View plant and its proposed program will be given the public Sunday, Nov. 21sdt from 1 to 4:30 o’clock.

“Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history.  To find stories on specific individuals or organizations, type their names in our search box.