Women of the Hebrew Bible, Part 4: Miriam

Miriam (c) 2010 Sheila Orysiek

By Sheila Orysiek

Sheila Orysiek

SAN DIEGO–Miriam, a prophet in Israel, led the dancing and singing after safely crossing through the parted sea.  As a girl she had watched what happened to the basket containing her baby brother, and had the courage to speak to the Princess of Egypt suggesting that she find a nurse (Jochebed) for the infant.  She was part of the team, with her brothers, Moses and Aaron, who led the people in their trials and triumphs through the desert of Sinai.

One of a series of seven women of the Hebrew Bible illustrating the moment in their lives when they were at pivotal point, contributed significantly to subsequent events and/or set a precedent in the history of our people.

The original is pen and ink on paper, measuring 16 by 20.

Orysiek is an artist and freelance writer based in San Diego