By Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal
SAN DIEGO–The Talmud’s words: “I have learned from all of my students” certainly holds true for me.
On Tuesday evening my eighth grade class at our Community Jewish High School was studying an ancient aphorism quoted in the Talmud: “When we were young, [we were treated] like grown-ups; now that we are elderly, [we are treated] like children.”
Most of our class discussion focused on the first part of the quote. I showed them a television clip about the “Tiger Mom,” whose recent book about strict Asian parenting has caused quite a controversy and we talked about the pressures mothers and fathers put on children to succeed academically.
However, we also talked about the second part of the quote and how people today often infantilize the elderly. Most students were able to tell stories about elderly people in their lives being ignored in conversation (because they couldn’t possibly understand) or shouted at (because they couldn’t possibly be able to hear).
My personal experience with seniors has taught me that age does not necessarily bring a loss of intellect, understanding, and ability to learn. Some of my most rewarding conversations have been with older adults whom society would very much like to push aside.
Jewish tradition has always taught and encouraged us to respect and honor our senior citizens. They not only were those “who planted for us” but also are reservoirs of knowledge, maturity, and experience.
In this week’s parasha, Sh’mini, we read that on the eighth and final day of the ceremony which consecrated Aaron and his sons as Kohanim (Priests), “Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel” together. (Lev. 9:1)
It is understandable why Moses called Aaron and his sons together. They were the objects of the initiation ceremony. But why were the elders included? Rabbi Akiba explained in the Midrash: “Why is the people Israel compared to a bird? It is because just as a bird cannot fly without wings, so is Israel unable to do anything without its elders.”
Rabbi Shmuel Yerushalmi expounded upon Rabbi Akiba’s words: “Young people often think that they have the ability and power to save the world. Often, they believe older people impede progress and hold them back from achieving their vision. The truth is that only older people have the life experience, wisdom, and maturity to advance society to a higher level.”
I don’t agree with Rabbi Yerushalmi’s belief that age is a determinant of wisdom. I believe that the young and the old have important contributions to make to society. Yet the tendency today is to embrace the “young” and reject the “old,” and to believe that “newer” is “better.”
We need to segregate “ageism” with the other “isms” (such as racism) that connote prejudice and stereotyping. As the Talmud says, “Don’t look at the bottle, but at what is in it. There are old bottles with very young wine, and young bottles with old wine.”
We need to treat everyone as an individual, regardless of color, creed, national origin, or age.
Rabbi Rosenthal is spiritual leader of Tifereth Israel Synagogue in San Diego. He may be contacted at