Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, February 2, 1956, Part 1

Compiled by San Diego Jewish World staff

Jewish Center Sets Annual Meeting Feb. 19
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 2, 1956, Page 1

The annual dinner meeting of the Jewish Community Center will take place on Sunday, Feb. 19, at 6:45 p.m. in Temple Center, 3rd and Laurel Sts. Reservations at $3.00 per plate are now being taken at the Center office, AT 1-7744.

Mr. Maxwell Kaufman and Mr. Maury Novak, co-chairmen of the annual meeting, announced that a musical-dramatic review will highlight the interesting program.  The theme of the meeting will be “And Now We Build,” with George Lykos, the center architect, and members of the building committee, taking part as “draftsmen.”  Children and adult members of Center groups will portray several Center activities.

The Women’s League of the Center is in charge of the event. Script writer is Herbert Reder, with a healthy assist from Mrs. Edwin Merkin.

Other members of the committee for the Annual meeting will be Mrs. Victor Selten, Mrs. Edward A. Slayen, Mrs. Edwin Merkin, Mr. Leonard Zlotoff, Mr. Henry Price and Mr. Edward Breitbard.

Twenty members of the Board of Directors will be elected at this meeting.

Fund Elects M.W. Douglas
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 2, 1956, Page 1

Morris W. Douglas this week was re-elected president of the uNited Jewish Fund at a Fund board meeting held at the Hebrew Home for the Aged.

Other officers  elected were Milton Y. Roberts, Albert Steinbaum and Dr. Walter Ornstein, vice presidents, William Colt, treasurer, and Seymour Rabin, secretary.

In a statement Douglas said, “In this year of crisis, I am honored to be elected again as president of the central organization of the Jewish community.  The new officers and I pledge ourselves to work hand in hand with the community in making the campaign a success as never before.”

Elected to the executive board were William B. Schwartz, Mrs. Gabriel Berg, Carl Esenoff, Harry Mallen, Maury Novak, Harry Sugarman and Arthur Goodman. 

Named to the regional executive committee to the Council of Jewish Federation and Welfare Boards were Dr. A.P. Nasatir and Steinbaum.

Last Call for ’56 Auto License Plates

Southwestern Jewish Press, February 2, 1956, Page 1

All California motorists were alerted today to avoid penalties on their 1956 license plates by securing their registration renewal before midnight, Saturday, February 4.

To give late applicants an extra margin of time, the Department announces it will keep all of the permanent and temporary offices open on Saturday to 5:00 p.m.  They were originally scheduled to close Saturday noon.

What Next!
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 2, 1956, Page 1

The following ad ran in the San Diego Union and Tribune.

“Christians we invite you to see and drive the 1956 Pontiac.  Tyson Pontiac, 2829 El Cajon, S.D.  Ask for Bill or Carl Oehler.”

Ed Note:  We wonder if Mr. Tyson really means it???

’55 Drive Leader Accepts Award
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 2, 1956, Page 1

Max Rabinowitz, leader of the 1955 campaign, receives annual United Jewish Appeal award in the form of a plaque from Ernest Michel, Regional Representative, United Jewish Appeal

United Jewish Fund Picks ’56 Campaign Leaders

Southwestern Jewish Press, February 2, 1956, Page 1

Milton Y. Roberts

The announcement that Milton Y. Roberts will serve as 1956 United Jewish Fund General Campaign Chairman was made by Morrie W. Douglas, Fund President, at a special meeting of the Fund Board of Directors on January 31st.

Milton Y. Roberts has been identified with the United Jewish Fund for many years.  He has been active in many community activities and is one of the top downtown young businessmen. A vice-president of the United Jewish Fund, a former campaign co-chairman, and chairman of the Committee on Campaign Re-evaluation, Mr. Roberts will select his vice-chairman and begin his plans for the campaign immediately.

“By acceptance of the chairmanship by Mr. Roberts, “Mr. Douglas said, “we are assuring our campaign organization of the best leadership in our community.”

Noted Educator Speaks Here Feb. 14
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 2, 1956, Page 1

Rabbi Harold Weisberg, national director of /adult Jewish Education of B’nai B’rith, will speak to the San Diego community on Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 8:15 p.m. in Beth Jacob Center, 4473 30th St., The event is under the auspices of Samuel I. Fox Lodge in conjunction with S.D. Lasker Lodge and in association with Bay City and Birdie Stodel Chapters.

Rabbi Weisberg, who has lectured widely on philosophy of religion, theology and the social structure of the American Jewish community, will bring a dynamic message to all who will hear him.

Following his talk, delicious refreshments will be served. The entire community is cordially invited to attend. Don’t miss it.


Jewish Center Wins Approval of Chest
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 2, 1956, Page 1

The Jewish Community Center has been informed by the San Diego Community Chest that the Center has been granted the amount of $21,379 as its first annual allocation of Chest Funds.

The Center has been accepted by the Chest because it meets all the standards that are expected from such an agency, including programming, professional practice, community participation and rounded coverage of the needs of a distinct population of the local and area population.

“Now that we take our place in the community by the side of other agencies serving all ages,” stated president Edward Breitbard, “our duty dictates that we do even more than before to give our San Diego Jewry the benefit of our planning. I shall not rest until our new Center is built, furnished and equipped in a manner that will give pride to San Diego and the maximum service to the public.”


Shown selling tickets to the City of Hope Jr. Auxiliary “Sugar and Spice” Dance
Feb. 12 is Mrs. Jerome Schecter, Chairman. Othrs Pictured above are,
left to right, Mesdames Stanford Brust, Sam Cohen and Ben Miller

City of Hope Junior Auxiliary Dance To Raise Money for Medical Center
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 2, 1956, Page 1

“Sugar and Spice and everything nice—“ That is what City of hOpe Junior Auxiliary members are planning for their Sugar and Spice Dance Sunday, Feb. 12, at the Terrace Room of the Lafayette Hotel on El Cajon Blvd. Earl Fisher and his band will provide the music.  Chuck Roberts and Cathy Kendall will be on hand to entertain guests with their dancing. All this together with the lovely Sugar and Spice decorations which Mrs. Jerome Schechter and her special dance committee are nw in the process of making will help make this evening a memorable one.

All proceeds, of course, will go to the free Medical Center for Cancer, Tuberculosis, and Leucemia (sic) at Duarte. To further raise the amount of money for this non-sectarian hospital, members of the Auxiliary are now selling tickets for a television set to be raffled off at the dance.

Hard at work, making final arrangements are Mrs. Jerome Schechter, chairman, and her committee, Mmes. Charles Hecht, Ben Miller, BGill Ruden, Stanford Brust, Sam Cohen and B. Korey.

Ticekts for th dance will be $1.50 per person. They are sold now by Junior Auxiliary members and can also be obtained at the door, the night of the dance.

First Émigré in Over A Year Arrives in S.D.
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 2, 1956, Page 1

A young man, 33 years old, arrived in San Diego this week to make this his home. He is Karol Brill, born in Poland. His fondest hope is that American freedom and democracy will erase from his memory the years spent in a Nazi concentration camp – Buchenwald, a name that will forever make all Jews shudder.

After liberation by Allied soldiers, Brill fled to Belgium where he remained until his American visa, under the Refugeee Relief Act, made it possible for him to leave.

He was met upon his arrival by Zel Camiel of the Émigré Committee of the united Jewish Fund; Mrs. Lawrence Hody of the National Council of Jewish Women; Mrs. Henrietta Rubenstein, Executive Director of the Jewish Social Service Agency; and Albert A. Hutler, Executive Director of the United Jewish Fund.

Brill, who speaks Polish, Yiddish, and French, found no difficulty in conversing with his first San Deigo acquaintances, for Mrs. Hody acted as his French interpreter and Camiel spoke with him in Yiddish and Polish.

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history.  To find stories on specific individuals or organizations, type their names in our search box