Rabbi Meir Cohen named as new SSDHDS principal

SAN DIEGO (Press Release)–Soille Hebrew Day School has announced that Rabbi Meir Cohen will be joining its administrative team as the school’s principal, commencing July, 2011.  Rabbi Cohen is described by Headmaster Rabbi Simcha Weiser as “a brilliant, warm educator who is passionate about improving the lives of students, both academically and personally.”

“Our school community is fortunate so welcome such a talented and warm educator as Rabbi Cohen to join our dedicated leadership team,” Weiser added.   “As principal Rabbi Cohen will lead our faculty and program forward for years to come.   I very much look forward to working with him.”

Rabbi Cohen has succeeded in his current position of Principal of the Torah Academy of Jacksonville, Florida. During his 5 years leading this school, it has grown in size and reputation.  For the past 8 years Rabbi Cohen has been a Jewish school leader, working previously as General Studies Principal and as an elementary and middle school teacher.  He earned a Master’s of Science in Education Leadership, Smicha from Yeshiva V’ Kollel Beis Moshe Chaim, Principal training from Torah U’Mesorah and a Bachelors of Science in Biology/Botany.

“Rabbi Cohen will be Soille’s school leader who will partner with our faculty, administration and parents to raise the standards and expectations of student success,” Weiser added.  “He will work closely with our local Jewish high schools, Torah High and SCY High, as well as other high school options to ensure the quality of our secular and Judaic curriculum more than meets and exceeds those varying standards for achievement.

“In our Judaic program he will build upon recent successful initiatives such as Middot Matter @ Hebrew Day and our newly adopted Chumash program for elementary grades, which, under his direction will expand through 5th grade. He will evaluate the Hebrew Language and entire Judaic curriculum and develop strategies to excite and engage the students.   Parents will be able to consult with Rabbi Cohen to follow up on any concern about their child’s academic, social or emotional challenges. ”

Rabbi Weiser said Rabbi Cohen’s appointment will help him to continue in his role as the visionary leader of the school, maintain the progress in fulfilling the school’s Strategic Plan (2010 – 2013), be the communal face of the school, and sustain the expansion of enrollment, facilities, and funding necessary to advance Soille Hebrew Day School.  “Rabbi Cohen will work in tandem with Allison Gardenswartz, Director of Studies, who will continue to be an academic change agent, broadening the methodologies being used and expanding instructional ideas, evaluation and development opportunities for our teachers,” Weiser added.

Preceding provided by Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School