College Avenue Senior Center tells November activities

SAN DIEGO (Press Release) –Following are events planned during November at the College Avenue Senior Center, operated by Jewish Family Service in the social hall of Beth Jacob Congregation, 4855 College Avenue, in the San Diego State University area.

Tuesdays, November 1, 8 & 15; 1 – 3 pm

Facebook Starter Kit: Facebook is the most popular social networking website in the world, It’s a great way to stay in touch with family and friends. In this course, you will learn all about Facebook, become a member of this free website and post messages and photos online. After this course, you will be able to continue making friends and using Facebook on your own.  This is a 3 part class and has a special fee of $15.

Thursday, November 3 at 12:45

David Amos Presents: Wagner the Monster – Wagner was one of the most influential and recognizable composers of the 19th Century. However, Wagner was also very involved in the Anti-Semitism movement in Berlin, Germany during the 1870’s. We will hear many of Wagner’s beautiful melodies and learn more about this controversial figure in classical music.

Friday, November 4 at 12:30

Rhinestone Grannies- Western Day “Glitz” – Come dressed in your blue jeans and cowboy hats! We are going to have a lively and toe-tappin’ show with Adrienne Hart and her group of “grannies.” Today, we are saluting the west and a dance show that you’ll not want to miss!

Monday, November 7-12:45

Animal Express Today, we’ll be visited by some special critters from the traveling program from the San Diego Zoo. This will be a great opportunity to learn about these animals’ habitats
and behaviors with an “up close and personal” visit.

Friday, November 11 at 12:30-

A Patriotic Veteran’s Day – with the Barbershop Quartet, The Thursday Songsters. This musical group with its close harmonies will share American tunes that we will all recognize and enjoy as we salute our Veterans.

Thursday November 17 from 10 am-12pm and 12:30-1:30

College Avenue Center, Semi Annual Art Show – Join the students of the College Avenue Center’s art classes as they display works of art. Pieces will be on display with some for sale. Special piano entertainment by Sonja Simons at 12:30.


Friday, November 18 at 12:30 pm

Al Jacobs, accordion music – Join Al Jacobs as he takes us on a musical journey around the world. Al will delight us with melodies from America and Europe. Come and sing along with Al!

Monday, November 21- at 12:30

Cedar Center Chorus – Eunice Williams, director, will lead a group of 30 older Adults in an exciting concert of Broadway and American music. This extraordinarily talented
group of performers comes to us through a program at the community college. Their colorful costumes and songs are sure to put a smile on your face.

Wed. Nov. 23 lunch 12:00 noon

Thanksgiving Celebration– It’s time again to celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving. Join the College Avenue Center for a pre Thanksgiving Day feast.


Weekly Classes


Mondays: Classes and Activities offered: Aerobics with Kara Anderson (8:30 – 10 am, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays); Feeling Fit with Kara Anderson (10 – 11:15 am, Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays); Meditation (11:15 am – 12 pm); Cyber Café (Open Lab 1 – 3 pm); Bridge- 12:45 pm; Movie Mondays (1 – 3 pm, new releases shown each Monday), no charge for members, $1 for non-members.

Tuesdays: Classes and Activities offered: Tai Chi with Leslie Johnson-Leech (9 – 10:30 am); Book Club (1st Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am); Arthritis Exercise (10:30 – 11:45 am); Film Class
with Judith Levine 1 pm; Knitting Group (1:00 pm); Ballroom Dancing (2 – 4 pm)                                         

Classes and Activities offered: Drawing; Aerobics with Kara Anderson (8:30 – 10 am, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays); Feeling Fit with Kara Anderson (10 – 11:15 am, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays); Writing class with Marsha Kay Seff (1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 12:45 pm); Bingo (12:45 pm); Line Dancing with Luis Samaya (2:30 – 3:30 pm), $3 member per class, $5 non-member per class.

Classes and Activities offered: Painting with Marsha Austin Rogers (9 am – 12 pm); Mah Jongg (9:15 am); Cyber Café (Open Lab time, 9:30 – 11:30 am); Pet Therapy (10:00 am – 11:00 am); Laughter Yoga with Michael Coleman (10:30 am); Blood Pressure Check (2nd and 4th Thursdays at 10 am); Arthritis Group exercise class (10 am); Beginning Mah Jongg (12:30 pm); Special
Weekly Lectures (12:45 pm, Please call for topic information); Zumba Gold (1:30 pm).

Fridays: Classes and Activities offered: Aerobics with Kara Anderson (8:30 – 10 am, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays); Feeling Fit with Kara Anderson (10 – 11:15 am, Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays); Yoga (10:45 am), $5 for members, $7 for non-members; (11:15 am); Special Musical Programs (12:30 pm, Please call for music program information); Cyber
Café (Open Lab 1 – 3 pm).


The College Avenue Center also offers hot Kosher lunches served Monday – Friday @ 12 Noon;
Soup & Salad Bar offered Monday – Friday from 11:30am-12:30pm

Suggested Donation: $4 for Seniors, $7 for all others.

Preceding provided by Jewish Family Service’s College Avenue Senior Center