San Diego Theatre Critics Gear up for Awards Ceremony

By Carol Davis

Carol Davis

SAN DIEGO –Once a year the San Diego theatre critics get all dressed up and have a party honoring all those we write about throughout the year. This is the tenth year we will have been at this and we know this will be the best party yet! (We say that every year). It’s the 10 Annual 2011 Craig Noel Awards.

Over 40 San Diego theatrical production and dozen theatres throughout the San Diego region will be represented as nominees. Those who participated in this years voting included Jeff Smith from The San Diego Reader, Pam Kragen from North County Times. Ann Marie Welsh formerly of The San Diego Union-Tribune, James Herbert of The San Diego Union- Tribune, Charlene Baldridge, La Jolla Village News, Ruth Lepper of the Ramona Home Journal and Julian Journal, Bill Eadie of and TalkinBroadway, Jean Lowerson for the online San Diego Gay and Lesbian News (, Pat Launer, whose reviews can be heard on air on KFSD-FM, and yours truly, Carol Davis whose on line publications can be found at and San Diego Jewish World (

Shows with multiple awards include:  August: Osage County,” “The Tempest” and “Jane Austen’s Emma”; La Jolla Playhouse’s “Sleeping Beauty Wakes”; Ion Theatre’s two-play series “Angels in America”; Cygnet Theatre’s “Cabaret”; San Diego REPertory Theatre’s “The Who’s Tommy” and “In the Next Room (or the vibrator play)”; North Coast Repertory Theatre’s “Lend Me a Tenor”; Moxie Theatre’s “Dead Man’s Cell Phone”; and Moonlight Stage Productions’ “Hairspray.”

Competing for the outstanding resident musical award will be “Cabaret,” “Jane Austen’s Emma,” “Sleeping Beauty Wakes,” “The Who’s Tommy,” and Cygnet Theatre’s “Little Shop of Horrors.”  Competing for the outstanding dramatic production award will be “Angels in America,” “August: Osage County,” “Dead Man’s Cell Phone,” “Lend Me a Tenor,” “The Tempest,” and the New Village Arts Theatre’s rendering of John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men.” Competing for the outstanding touring production award will be Broadway/San Diego’s presentations of “Next to Normal” and “Shrek: The Musical” and La Jolla Playhouse’s Broadway-bound presentation of the Stratford Shakespeare Festival production of “Jesus Christ Superstar.”

In the musical acting categories, the outstanding female leading performance in musical nominees are Melissa Fernandes (“Little Shop of Horrors”), Linda Libby (“Gypsy: A Musical Fable,” produced by ion Theatre), Patti Murin (“Jane Austen’s Emma”), Karson St. John (“Cabaret”), and Aspen Vincent (“Sleeping Beauty Wakes”).  The outstanding male leading performance in a musical nominees are Geno Carr (“The Servant of Two Masters,” produced by Lamb’s Players Theatre), Randall Dodge (“The Fantasticks,” produced by the Welk Resorts Theatre), Bryce Ryness (“Sleeping Beauty Wakes”), B. Slade (“The Who’s Tommy”), and Robert Townsend (“The Story of My Life,” produced by San Diego Musical Theatre).

In the dramatic acting categories, the outstanding female leading performance in a play nominees are Jill Drexler (“Foxfire,” produced by Moonlight Stage Productions), Melinda Gilb (“Walter Cronkite Is Dead.” produced by San Diego REPertory Theatre), Jo Anne Glover (“Dead Man’s Cell Phone”), Lois Markle (“August: Osage County”), Rosina Reynolds (“The Glass Menagerie,” produced by Cygnet Theatre) and Aubrey Saverino (“In the Next Room (or the vibrator play).”  The outstanding male leading performance in a play nominees are Miles Anderson (“The Tempest”), Jeffrey DeMunn (“Death of a Salesman,” produced by The Old Globe), Manny Fernandes (“Of Mice and Men”), Robert Foxworth (“Superior Donuts,” produced by San Diego REPertory Theatre), Jon Rua (“Somewhere,” produced by The Old Globe), and Kyle Sorrell (“Angels in America”).

The outstanding ensemble award will be presented to the cast of one of the following productions: “Angels in America,” “August: Osage County,” “Dead Man’s Cell Phone,” “Lend Me a Tenor,” or “Peer Gynt” (produced by La Jolla Playhouse).

Nominees for the 2011 Craig Noel Awards:

Outstanding Resident Musical

“Cabaret,” Cygnet Theatre

“Jane Austen’s Emma,” The Old Globe

“Little Shop of Horrors,” Cygnet Theatre

“Sleeping Beauty Wakes,” La Jolla Playhouse

“The Who’s Tommy,” San Diego REPertory Theatre


Outstanding Lead Performance in a Musical, Female

Melissa Fernandes, “Little Shop of Horrors,” Cygnet Theatre

Linda Libby, “Gypsy: A Musical Fable,” ion Theatre

Patti Murin, “Jane Austen’s Emma,” The Old Globe

Karson St. John, “Cabaret,” Cygnet Theatre

Aspen Vincent, “Sleeping Beauty Wakes,” La Jolla Playhouse


Outstanding Lead Performance in a Musical, Male

Geno Carr, “The Servant of Two Masters,” Lamb’s Players Theatre

Randall Dodge, “The Fantasticks,” Welk Resorts Theatre

Bryce Ryness, “Sleeping Beauty Wakes,” La Jolla Playhouse

B. Slade, “The Who’s Tommy,” San Diego REPertory Theatre

Robert Townsend, “The Story of My Life,” San Diego Musical Theatre


Outstanding Featured Performance in a Musical, Male

Doug Davis, “Hairspray,” Moonlight Stage Productions

Derek Gaffney, “Spring Awakening,” Actors’ Conservatory Theatre

Randall Hickman, “Hairspray,” Moonlight Stage Productions

Dick Latessa, “Little Miss Sunshine,” La Jolla Playhouse

Bob Stillman, “Sleeping Beauty Wakes,” La Jolla Playhouse


Outstanding Featured Performance in a Musical, Female

Melissa Fernandes, “Cabaret,” Cygnet Theatre

Linda Libby, “Cabaret,” Cygnet Theatre

Dani Marcus, “Jane Austen’s Emma,” The Old Globe

Jill Van Velzer, “The Great American Trailer Park Musical,” San Diego REPertory Theatre

Katie Whalley, “Gypsy: A Musical Fable,” ion Theatre


Outstanding Direction of a Musical

Jeff Calhoun, “Jane Austen’s Emma,” The Old Globe

Steve Glaudini, “Hairspray,” Moonlight Stage Productions

Sean Murray, “Cabaret,” Cygnet Theatre

Claudio Raygoza and Kim Strassburger, “Gypsy: A Musical Fable,” ion Theatre

Sam Woodhouse, “The Who’s Tommy,” San Diego REPertory Theatre


Outstanding Musical Direction

Laura Bergquist, “Jane Austen’s Emma,” The Old Globe

Steve Gunderson, “The Who’s Tommy,” San Diego REPertory Theatre

Don LeMaster, “A Chorus Line,” San Diego Musical Theatre

Elan McMahan, “Hairspray,” Moonlight Stage Productions


Outstanding Choreography

David Brannen, “Cabaret,” Cygnet Theatre

JT Horenstein, “Richard O’Brien’s The Rocky Horror Show,” The Old Globe

Michael Mizerany, “Dooley,” Diversionary Theatre

Doug Varone, “Sleeping Beauty Wakes,” La Jolla Playhouse

Javier Velasco, “The Who’s Tommy,” San Diego REPertory Theatre


Outstanding Music for a Play

Shaun Davey, “The Tempest,” The Old Globe

John Gromada, “A Dram of Drummhicit,” La Jolla Playhouse

Outstanding Dramatic Production

“Angels in America,” ion Theatre

“August: Osage County,” The Old Globe

“Dead Man’s Cell Phone,” Moxie Theatre

“Lend Me A Tenor,” North Coast Repertory Theatre

“Of Mice and Men,” New Village Arts Theatre

“The Tempest,” The Old Globe


Outstanding Ensemble

“Angels in America,” ion Theatre

“August: Osage County,” The Old Globe

“Dead Man’s Cell Phone,” Moxie Theatre

“Lend Me a Tenor,” North Coast Repertory Theatre

“Peer Gynt,” La Jolla Playhouse


Outstanding Lead Performance in a Play, Male

Miles Anderson, “The Tempest,” The Old Globe

Jeffrey DeMunn, “Death of a Salesman, “The Old Globe

Manny Fernandes, “Of Mice and Men,” New Village Arts Theatre

Robert Foxworth, “Superior Donuts,” San Diego REPertory Theatre

Jon Rua, “Somewhere,” The Old Globe

Kyle Sorrell, “Angels in America,” ion Theatre


Outstanding Lead Performance in a Play, Female

Jill Drexler, “Foxfire,” Moonlight Stage Productions

Melinda Gilb, “Walter Cronkite is Dead,” San Diego REPertory Theatre

Jo Anne Glover, “Dead Man’s Cell Phone,” Moxie Theatre

Lois Markle, “August: Osage County,” The Old Globe

Rosina Reynolds, “The Glass Menagerie,” Cygnet Theatre

Aubrey Saverino, “In the Next Room (or the vibrator play),” San Diego REPertory Theatre


Outstanding Featured Performance in a Play, Female

Lisel Gorell-Getz, “In the Next Room (or the vibrator play)” San Diego REPertory Theatre

Catalina Maynard, “Angels in America,” ion Theatre

Tonya Pinkins, “Milk Like Sugar,” La Jolla Playhouse

Diana Reasonover, “Stick Fly,” Mo’olelo Performing Arts Company

Karson St. John, “Ten Cent Night,” Moxie Theatre


Outstanding Featured Performance in a Play, Male

Ben Diskant, “The Tempest,” The Old Globe

David Ellenstein, “My Name is Asher Lev,” North Coast Repertory Theatre

Nick Kennedy, “Grace,” ion Theatre

Brian Mackey, “The Glass Menagerie,” Cygnet Theatre

Matt Thompson, “Dead Man’s Cell Phone,” Moxie Theatre

Jay Whittaker, “Amadeus,” The Old Globe


Outstanding Touring Production

“Jesus Christ Superstar,” La Jolla Playhouse

“Next to Normal,” Broadway/San Diego

“Shrek the Musical,” Broadway/San Diego


Outstanding New Play

Kirsten Greenidge, “Milk Like Sugar,” La Jolla Playhouse

Matthew Lopez, “Somewhere,” The Old Globe

Stephen Metcalfe, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” Cygnet Theatre

David Myers, “Small Prophecies,” University of California, San Diego, Baldwin New Play Festival

Outstanding Direction of a Play

Sam Gold, “August: Osage County,” The Old Globe

Adrian Noble, “The Tempest,” The Old Globe

Glenn Paris & Claudio Raygoza, “Angels in America,” ion Theatre

Daren Scott, “Of Mice and Men,” New Village Arts Theatre

Delicia Turner Sonnenberg, “Dead Man’s Cell Phone,” Moxie Theatre

Matthew Wiener, “Lend Me A Tenor,” North Coast Repertory Theatre


Outstanding Sound Design

David Ballard, “Amadeus,” The Old Globe

Melanie Chen, “Angels in America,” ion Theatre

Deborah Gilmour Smyth, “The Book of the Dun Cow,” Lamb’s Players Theatre

Jeremy J. Lee, “Somewhere,” The Old Globe

George Ye, “Tragedy of the Commons,” Cygnet Theatre


Outstanding Costume Design

Deirdre Clancy, “Amadeus,” The Old Globe

Jennifer Brawn Gittings, “In the Next Room (or the vibrator play),” San Diego REPertory Theatre

Jennifer Brawn Gittings, “The Who’s Tommy,” San Diego REPertory Theatre

Sonia Elizabeth Lerner, “Lend Me A Tenor,” North Coast Repertory Theatre

Jeanne Reith, “The Servant of Two Masters,” Lamb’s Players Theatre


Outstanding Lighting Design

Christopher Akerlind, “Sleeping Beauty Wakes,” La Jolla Playhouse

Alan Burrett, “The Tempest,” The Old Globe

Karen Filijan, “Angels in America,” ion Theatre

Michael Gilliam, “Jane Austen’s Emma,” The Old Globe

Japhy Wiedeman, “August: Osage County,” The Old Globe


Outstanding Set Design

Marty Burnett, “Lend Me a Tenor,” North Coast Repertory Theatre

David Korins, “Little Miss Sunshine,” La Jolla Playhouse

Michael McKeon, “Trying,” Lamb’s Players Theatre

Tobin Ost, “Jane Austen’s Emma,” The Old Globe

Victoria Petrovich, “In the Next Room (or the vibrator play),” San Diego REPertory Theatre

David Zinn, “August: Osage County,” The Old Globe


Other awards to be announced on February 6:

Outstanding Young Artist/Sandra Ellis-Troy Scholarship

Outstanding Special Event

Actor of the Year

Braunagel Award

Critics Circle President Pam Kragen also announced the establishment of a new annual award in memory of longtime critic and arts writer, Don Braunagel, who passed away in June.  Established in Braunagel’s memory by his widow Yolanda Braunagel, the cash award will honor special achievements at small-budget theater companies.


It’s been a great year artistically and yours truly wants to thank each and every one of my friends in the theatre community for giving us your all, all year long.


See you at the awards


Dates: Monday, Feb. 6th from 6 to 10PM

Organization: San Diego Theatre Critics Circle

Production Type: Awards Ceremony

Where: Museum of Contemporary Arts, San Diego, 700 Prospect Drive, La Jolla.

Davis is a San Diego-based theatre critic.  She may be reached at