Magic and a lot of hard work benefit Seacrest Village

By Joel and Arlene Moskowitz

LA JOLLA, California –Seacrest Village Retirement Community in Encinitas is a senior facility  where marvels and wonderments occur on a daily basis. Staff members nurture, help, and assist almost 400 resident-seniors who have a myriad of ailments, elements of aging or who have just ‘grown’ older.  That is magic.

What better theme to garner monetary support for the good works which the staff at Seacrest Village needs to perform, than a theme of their most recent fund raiser “Magical Moments” held at the Estancia La Jolla.

Actual magicians often demonstrate that they have nothing up their sleeves before  astounding their audiences.Staff members ‘roll up their sleeves’ to get to work: either as paid employees or as volunteers.

The entertainment was stellar.  Dancing and live music were provided by San Diego Society Beat.  Three strolling magicians including Magic Mike Stillwell, a local, much revered, prestidigitator,  mixed with those who had assembled in small groups. The strolling magicians mesmerized and dazzled them with ropes, cards, and flames.

Kristi Toguchi, from Las Vegas,  got wide-eyed responses from onlookers as she restored a cut rope.  “The Professor’s Nightmare” where three uneven lengths of rope are morphed into three equal pieces of rope was performed by Tony Daniel to the wonderment and satisfaction of small groups.

And then the stage show:  Stoyl and Katarina did a Quick Change Act.  One could hear some women in the audience express amazement at the speed with which this lady was able to change her outfits.  The star of the evening was Murray Sawchuck, illusionist from Las Vegas.  Murray Sawchuck achieved fame when he astonished the judges at America’’s Got Talent by causing a locomotive to vanish from the stage.  This stage magician, not having a train readily handy,  satisfied the appetites of the crowd by other tasty conjuring amazements.

Kudos for this spectatular and entertaining evening go not only to the magicians but also to the dedicated volunteers and staff of Seacrest Village and its Woman’s Auxillary. The task to top this next year will be daunting.  But with the earnest dedication of the Board and the multitude of supporters of Seacrest Village, it surely will be done.

Utilizing the theme of Magic to honor the contributors, they were grouped under titles signifying (without precisely publishing the dollar amounts contributed) a list of appreciated supporters.

Identified as memmbers of “Merlin’s Circle” were Barbara Bloom, Lee & Frank Goldberg and Irwin and Joan Jacobs.  “Wizard’s Ward” list has eight donors.  Twenty-five generous patrons were described as “Magician’s Patrons”.  Eight others were itemized under “Giving Circles”.

The Underwriters were listed by someone knowledgable about conjuring terminology:

For example, Jane Orenstein, in memory of husband, Victor, was associated with the “Magical Feast Dinner;” Cindy and Larry Bloch – “Illusionist Decor;” and Vivian and Jeffrey Ressler. “Transformational Cocktail Hour.”

Other magical designations included:  “Goblets & Wine,”, “Book of Spells Printed Programs”, “Enchanting Event Production,” “Rabbit in a Hat Valet Service,” “Moon & Stars Centerpieces,” “Genie in a Bottle Mail Delivery,”  “Supernatural Lighting,” “Love Portion Cocktails,”  “Fairy Dust Costumes,” and “Spell Binders Props”.  These titles will give the reader the flavor of the consistency with the magical theme to identify various and many contributors.

Sharon and David Wax contributed a Yamaha Piano in honor of the dedication of Lisa and Gary Levine (who were the honorees of this extravaganza).

Gala  attendees had the opportunity to bid on the following:  Golden Door Spa Treatment; Dinner at Encinitas Fire House; La Costa Resort Staycation; Dinner for 10 at Pamplemousse Grill and His and Her Corum watches.

The occasion was an opportunity to say thank you to Lisa and Gary Levine, a couple with a long history of service in behalf of Seacrest Village.  The event chairs, Cindy and Larry Bloch, praised and thanked the Levines.

Joel and Arlene Moskowitz are freelance writers based in La Jolla.  Joel writes extensively on magic for magazines in that genre.