Silberman new Jewish Community Foundation chair

SAN DIEGO (Press Release) — The Jewish Community Foundation Board of Directors has announced the appointment of Jeff Silberman as its new Board Chair, succeeding Emily Einhorn, who served for two years with distinction

Silberman’s leadership experience includes seven years as a Foundation Board member, including serving as Vice Chair and Human Resources Committee Chair. He is a past president of Congregation Beth Israel, a graduate of The Wexner Heritage Program and currently serves on the board of the Francis Parker School.

Silberman also is President and CEO of Carleton Management, Inc. and was formerly a managing partner at Solomon Ward Seidenwurm & Smith.

Other officers of the Foundation include Joan Jacobs, Vice Chair; Jane Scher, Vice Chair; David Kabakoff, Treasurer; Barbara Bry, Secretary and Lawrence Sherman, General Counsel. In addition, the Foundation leadership welcomed five new Board members: Janet Acheatel, Graeme Gabriel, Orin Green, Caryn Viterbi and Eric Weitzen.
Preceding provided by the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego
