Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, May 3, 1957, Part 1

$5000 Needed by Women to Reach Fund Drive Goal
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 3, 1957, Pages 1, 6

One hundred eight five women contributed over $5,000 at the 3rd Women’s Division luncheon for $35 minimum givers chaired by Mrs. Irving Alexander and Mrs. E.A. Slayen, Co-Chairmen of the Women’ Division.

Mrs. Myrtle Karp, dynamic woman leader of Los Angeles and national Vice-Chairman of the Women’s Division, was the principal speaker. Mrs. Karp emphasized the need for the Emergency Rescue Funbd to save the lives of 125,000 men, women and children from Egypt, Eastern Europe and North Africa who must be brought to Israel in 1957.

Mrs. B.W. Nathan gave the invocation and Mrs. Jennie Siner the benediction.

Results of the luncheon brought the women to a new high figure of over $47,000 toward their goal of $51,150.  Mrs. Lewis Solomon, chairman of the division, stated that all of the workers in her division were determined that they would reach their goal and at least 50 Jewish lives would be saved at $1,000 per person.

Guests at the luncheon were Milton Y Roberts, President of the United Jewish Fund; Dr. Walter Ornstein and Victor Schulman, General Campaign Co-Chairman.

The Women’s Division, Mrs. Solomon said, will enter the second phase of their campaign in a determined effort to reach their goal. Every woman who has not as yet been contacted or has not as yet made her individual contribution will be contacted during the next two weeks and asked to make whatever gift they possibly can.

“Women’s giving, Mrs. Solomon said, is plus giving and has nothing to do with what the husband gives. Every woman, especially in this year, must make a sacrifice so that other women and their children may live like decent human beings in Israel. This is as much a woman’s responsibility as a man’s.

“Women,” she continued, “are not asked for a great deal, but there isn’t a woman in the community who has any heart, who could deny the fact that she could give at least 50c a week to save another human being.  It is just a question of understanding the need and the cause, and we feel sorry for those who are not privileged to join with us in participating in this great humanitarian effort.”

Women who wish to make their own plus giving contributions can do so by sending their gift to the office of the United Jewish Fund, 333 Plaza, an Diego 1, or by calling BE-2-5172, and making your pledge immediately.


$60,000 Needed to Reach Fund Goal: $295,000 in Sight as 80% Achieved
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 3, 1957, Pages 1, 4

Determined to meet the challenge of saving lives in the greatest crisis year since 1948, campaign leadership and workers were making an all-out effort to reach the $295,000 goal necessary for ordinary regular, local, national and overseas needs, and the United Jewish Appeal Emergency Rescue Fund as soon as possible.

Dr. Walter Ornstein and Victor Schulman, Campaign Co-Chairmen, said that recent gifts of $1500 from the Con-Trib Club and $1,000 from Del Mar Charities swelled the total to over $235,000–the second largest figure in the campaign history. They pointed out that in 1948 $273,000 was raised to rescue Jews and bring them to Israel — a similar cause to that in 1957.

Outstanding among gifts recently received in the campaign, the chairmen said, was a $3 contribution by 10-year-old Judy Karp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Karp. This was Judy’s prize money in an art contest held at the Spanish Village.

Indications of a successful campaign are further pointed up by the determination of the religious school children at Temple Beth Israel to reach a larger total for the United Jewish Fund and the Emergency Rescue Fund than ever before, according to Rabbi Morton J. Cohn.

Pace-setters led by Abe Abramson, outstanding civic and religious leader of the community, ha reached 83% of the goal of $170,000.

Other major divisions and their results are:  Campaigners, led by Abraham Sklar with a goal of $35,000, 70% reached to date; Marchers Division reached 77% of its $13,000 goal under the leadership of Isaac Domnitz; Christian Division, which started later than any other, has now reached 49% of its $15,000 goal.

Ornstein an Schulman said in announcing campaign results, “We are in the midst of a challenging United Jewish Fund Campaign. In cold terms we are being asked to give as much as we contributed last year for regular needs of the Fund’s beneficiaries, and to give 4 times as much to meet emergency relief requirement. A goal of $175,000 has been set for regular needs and a $120,000 goal for the Emergency Rescue Fund.”

“San Diego Jewry,” they said, “has been asked to take on a goal which many thought could not be achieved. IT can be done if everyone participates.  There is no more compelling reason and no sounder justification than the call which we have received from over 100,000 Jews to save their lives.”

They asked that those who have not been contacted as yet, or have not made a contribution, please do so immediately by either mailing their gift to the office of the united Jewish Fund, 333 Plaza, San Diego 1, or calling BE-2-5172 and telling them how much you will contribute in 1957.

Leaders Get Posts From Welfare Funds
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 3, 1957, Page 1

San Diego was honored by the appointment of nine leaders from the community as national members of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, it was announced today by Milton Y. Roberts, President of the United Jewish Fund.

In announcing the appointments, Mr. Roberts stated that he had this week received a communication from Herbert R. Abeles of Newark, New Jersey, President of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, that Dr. Joshua Rittoff was appointed to the Community Budget Practices Committee.  Other appointments were: Irving Alexander, Publicity Services Committee; Roberts, campaign Planning Committee; Maxwell Kaufman, Aged Care Planning Committee; Albert A. Hutler, Personnel Services Committee; MRs. Gabriel Berg, Women’s Communal Service Committee; Eli H. Levenson, General Assembly Program, Regional Services, Community Organization, and Budget and Finance Committees; Victor Schulman, National-Local Relations, and Dr. Oscar Kaplan, Aged Care Planning Committee.

Mr. Levenson is a National Vice President of the Council, which is a national association of 228 local Jewish federations, welfare funds, and community councils, which represents approximately 800 communities throughout the United States and Canada. The Council provides central services for its member agencies, social planning, campaigning and budgeting, community organization and campaign and community interpretation.  It also represents its member agencies in matters of national and international Jewish interest.

Wedding Told
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 3, 1957, Page 2

On Friday, April 19, Barbara Joyce, daughter of Sylvia Mallen and Isadore Mallen, was married to Robert Phillips in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The bride attended the University of California in Los Angeles; the groom is a graduate of the University of Idaho and is a special agent for the Phoenix of London Insurance Co.

On May 4, a bridal shower will be given to the bride by her five aunts and a sister: Mesdames Sanford Alter, Edwin Hoffman, Howard Hoffman, Melvin Hoffman, Leonard Zurit and Alvin Benson.  Forty-five guests have been invited to the luncheon at the Flame Restaurant.

The young couple will reside at 4542 40th St. in San Diego.

Southwestern Jewish Press, May 3, 1957, Page 2

Although “Friendly Persuasion” was the title of her speech, Rosa Lee Rothblatt must have done a good job of persuading the judges, for she was announced the winner of the annual San Diego Council No. 8 Toastmistress speech contest, which was held at the San Diego Hotel on Saturday, April 13th. In addition to this honor, Mrs. Rothblatt was awarded a beautiful trophy.

Rosa Lee will represent the Council at the Southwest Regional Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, on May 25th.  There she will compete against nine other speakers.

To really make the day complete, Rose Lee was elected vice president of the Council  Good luck to a very busy lady!

It was a very happy Passover indeed for Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bernstein when their son HErby and his family flew in from Chicago to celebrate the holidays with them.

Also rejoicing in this reunion was Herby’s sister and her family, Dr. and Mrs. Harold D. Rothblatt.

Thanks — Jessie Alweis wishes her friends to know that their kindness has been appreciated during her stay at Sharp Memorial Hospital and her forced confinement at home.
Joan Jacobs who had undergone an appendectomy ten weeks before, dropped in to have a cup of coffee with her friend and neighbor, Lillian Helman — just in time to rush her to the hospital for, of all things, an appendectomy!  Both former patients are back in circulation and wish to thank their friends for consideration shown during their hospitalization.
Norma Schaeffer wishes to thank her many friends for their kindness during her illness.
We were sorry to hear that Minnie Siegel, mother of Miriam Goldfarb, and formerly of San Diego, died April 25 in Los Angeles.

On the Campus — Congratulations to Dr. Harry Ruja, who made a full professor at S.D. State College; to Dr. Ernest M. Wolf for his article, “The Varieties of Jewish Self-Hate,” which appeared in the April issue of the Reconstructionist Magazine; to Miss Gloria Abramson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham A. Abramson, who was chosen vice president by the Associated Women Students at Mills College, where she is a junior; to Paul Kaufman for the Political Science Scholarship received from Clairemont Graduate School in Pomona.  He will graduate from Reed College in Portland, Oregon, in June.

Mrs. Esther K. Kupferberg, RN, BSN, member of the Board of the Jewish Social Service Agency, has been appointed Assistant Director of Nursing Services at Edgemoor.
An item which appeared in the last issue of the Press brought back memories to Bill Colt.  He said the honor accorded Mrs. Wijsmuller-Meijer, a resident of Amsterdam was well deserved. He met her in 1945-46, when he was a UNRA Director. She as one of the first civilians allowed into Germany as a representative if the Dutch Government. She told Bill at that time she was related to Johnny Weismuller of Hollywood fame. In addition to the thousands of Jewish children she saved, her life saving exploits on behalf of orphans are well known throughout Europe.

Mr. and Mrs. Iving Small and son, Martin, left Wednesday for Washington D.C. to attend the wedding of their son, 1st Lt. Arthur H. Small, JUSAF, to Sheila Goldstein of Washington. After the wedding they will travel to New York to visit relatives and friends.


Mrs. Herbert Eber

Sisterhood Installs New President
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 3, 1957, Page 2

An original installation, Calypso Pour Les Officers,” has been written for the 1957-58 officers of the Temple Beth Israel Sisterhood, and will be performed at the last luncheon meeting of the season, Wed., May 8, at 11:45 a.m. in the Temple Center.

Incoming officers are: Mmes Hebert Ebert, Pres.; Marvin Jacobs, 1st V.P.; Mortimer Rosenbaum, 2nd V.P.; Vailia Den nis, 3rd V.P.; Joseph Kwint, 4th V.P.; Harold Rosenbaum, Recording Secy; Chas Silverman, Fin. Secy; David Garfield, Corr. Secy.; J. Feldman, Treas.; and Hobby Myers, Auditor.  Directors are: Mmes Ted Rosenfeld, Norman Smith, Herb Haimsohn, Mitchell Christensen, Albert Heumann, and M. Ackerman.

City of Hope
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 3, 1957, Page 2

The City of Hope Auxiliary will hold a Mother’s Day Luncheon on Thursday, May 9, 12 noon at the Lafayette Hotel.  AT that time the drawing will take place for the General Electric Vacuum so you are advised to sell as many tickets as possible before that date.

For reservations telephone Bess Schissell or Ethel Berman.

Sisterhood Holds Spring Dance
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 3, 1957, Page 2

The Membership of Temple Beth Israel is invited to attend the “Night on the Town,” Spring dinner-dance to be held on Sat. evening, May 11, in the El Cortez Hotel.  Mrs. E.M. Sims, and Mrs. Norman Mann are co-chairmen. Dancing to the six piece orchestra of Pete Newberg will accompany a pre-cocktail hour and the dinner.

For reservations call Mrs. Marvin Jacobgs at JU-2-5364 and Mrs. Fred Leeds at AT-4-5255.

Century Plant Blooms Once
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 3, 1957, Page 2

The century plant blooms once in its lifetime; not one in 100 years as its name seems to indicate.

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history. To find stories on specific individuals or organizations, type their names in our search box, located just above the masthead on the right hand side of the screen.