What’s the story behind those ampersands?


By Donald H. Harrison

Donald H. Harrison
Donald H. Harrison

SAN DIEGO –Some of our readers may have noticed our new masthead and wondered what those two ampersands are doing in the background behind the words “San Diego Jewish World.”  It’s our way of announcing that we are still the same Jewish-focused paper, but that we plan to also venture into general coverage of both San Diego and the world.  So, while our name remains the same, you could read it as San Diego & Jewish & World.

This gives us the latitude in our daily report to present to you some articles in which the Jewish angle is not spelled out, but which, nevertheless, we as journalists wish to call to your attention.

In this weekend column, which we call the “Jewish Citizen,” we plan to bring to you news and videos which we think portions of our readership will appreciate.

Our music columnist, Eileen Wingard, was kind enough to pass onto us a video presentation at Hunter College by Anna Blech concerning how the New York Times downplayed the Holocaust.  Anna is a thoughtful,. prize-winning high school student who expresses herself magnificently.  And if anyone doubts that anti-Semitism still mars the global landscape, all one has to do is read through the comments posted on You Tube in response to this video.

Charles Wax, who is another prominent member of our San Diego Jewish community, forwarded to us a video made by a friend, in which he pokes fun at President Barack Obama’s assurances to the American public that if the Affordable Care Act was enacted, people could keep their own insurance if they so desired.

The friend uses the lyrics of the Beatles’ song “Yesterday” to make his satiric point.

Please send us links to the videos that you think will engage our readership, and we will consider them for placement in our columns.

Let’s all have a community conversation.

And, by all means, if you want to react to either of these two videos, or any that will come in the future, please submit them via the comment section below this article.

Thanks to all of you, San Diego Jewish World will continue to grow as an interactive and informative daily web publication for our readers in San Diego and around the world.