Israel, Rabbi Heschel to be CBI scholar’s subjects

Rabbi Michael Marmur
Rabbi Michael Marmur

SAN DIEGO–Rabbi Michael Marmur, provost at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Jerusalem, will discuss both Israel and the life and works of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel during the Shabbat he will serve as scholar in residence at Congregation Beth Israel, 9001 Towne Center Drive.

Dr. Marmur will speak during a 6:30 p.m. congregational dinner preceding 8 p.m. Shabbat services on Friday, Feb. 7, and then during that Friday night service will lecutre on “Israel: An Echo of Eternity or a Real Place?”

Marmur’s  focus will switch to Rabbi Heschel, an icon of the U.S. Civil Rights movement and a Jewish scholar, following Saturday mornign Shabbat services. In a study session at 11:30 a.m., Marmur will discuss “Heschel and Prayer.”  Then at 1:15 p.m. (following a catered lunch), he’ll discuss “Heschel and the Call to Social Action.”

The charge for the Friday night dinner is $36, and for the combination of lunch and the two study sessions is $25.  To RSVP on line go to

Preceding based on information provided by Congregation Beth Israel