Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, September 6, 1957, Part 3

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Synagogue Youth
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 6, 1957, Page 5

The August 24th Installation Dance was a tremendous success.  Nancy Silverman, newly installed President, outlines “Plans for the Future;” Mike Dickman, Vice-President, expressed his desire for an inter-mixture of social and cultural activities; Sandy Hoffing was installed as Secretary; Leonard Heruman, Treasurer, and Alan Eber, Parliamentarian.

Mr. Ted Tadman, in the absence of Rabbi Monroe Levens, acted as installing officer and outlined activities for the next few months.  Cantor Cysner, entertained with Hebrew selections and led in troup singing; Mr. Lewis Anfanger, Youth Activities Director, was a guest.

The next important date is Saturday night, Sept. 7, at 7:30 p.m..  There will be a Hay Ride followed by a “Going Back to School Hop,” at the Mission Valley Stables.  Drag or Stag–just bring along your own FUN.  $1.25 includes food.  For further information, phone Mike Dickman at AC 2-1337.

Cottage of Israel Holds Open House
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 6, 1957, Page 5

In order that members and friends of the Cottage of Israel may note the recent renovations and redecorating that have been made, a special “Open House” will be held Sunday, Sept. 8, from 2 to 5 p.m.

Members of Hadassah will present a coffee urn to the Cottage that afternoon and will act as hostesses.

At 5:30 p.m. a community supper and annual meeting will be held on the lawns of the House of Pacific Relations, for members and friends. Bring your own supper; tables will be provided and coffee and cake served by the Cottage.  Election and installation of officers for 1957-58 will follow.  A copy of the members nominated for office has been mailed to the membership. Ballot may be mailed to the nominating chairman, Mrs. Rose Brooker, 4643 North Ave., or placed in ballot box in the Cottage on either Sept. 1 or 8th, before 5 p.m.
Servicemen Guests At Swim Party
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 6, 1957, Page 5

Service personnel in the San Diego area and Junior Hostesses of the Jewish Welfare Board Armed Services Committee of San Diego will be guests at a swimming party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Solomon, 5627 Dorothy Way, Sunday, September 8, from 2 to 5 p.m., according to an announcement by Morris W. Douglas, Chairman.  Reservations by service personnel and Junior Hostesses may be made by calling Miss Judy Aved, Chairman of the event, ATwater 2-2987or Mrs. Phylane Sherman, Administrative Assistant-Secretary, at BElmont 2-5172.

Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Aved and MR. and Mrs. Alex Karp will be Senior Sponsors for this affair.

MR. Douglas further announced that during the month of August the following organizations and htier chairmen hosted the Wednesday evening dances at Temple Beth Israel for military personnel: Birdie Stodel B’nai B’rith Women, MRs. Ada Moss; Hadassah, Mrs. Julius Levine; Beth Israel Sisterhood, MRs. Byron Sharpe and MRs. Sarah Mendell; Pioneer Women Negba, Mrs. Rose Abrams.

The Sunday morning brunches at the Naval Training Center which are preceded by prayer services, were hosted during the month of August by the following organizations and chairmen: Council of Jewish Women, Mrs. Alfred Breslauer; Tifereth Israel Men’s Club, Mrs. Isadore Silberman; Jewish War Veterans Post No. 185, Mr. Harry Aronoff; Jewish war Veterans Auxiliary, Mrs. Samuel Rose and Mrs. Ben Snyder.

S.D. Junior Theatre
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 6, 1957, Page 5

Fall registration for the Junbior Theatre will be held at the Theatre headquarters next door to the Puppet Theatre, Balboa Park, on Saturday, September 7, from 9 a.m. until noon.

Robert Chambers, Executive Director, announces that all children, from ages 8 to 18, who register during the week, are invited to the first Club meeting which will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, September 7, in the Puppet Theatre.

Funds Sought For La Jolla Theatre
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 6, 1957, Page 5

Appointment of a management committee for the capital fund raising drive of the Theatre and Arts Foundation of San Diego County is announced by Kenneth S. Walker, Executive Vice Chairman of the drive.

Goal of the campaign is to raise $1,500,000 to build an 850-seat theatre.  The Theatre itself will be the heart of a cultural center which will also include a school of drama, a symposium hall, shops with all the most modern facilities necessary to initiate dramatic production and a restaurant.

AZA Installation Banquet Dance
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 6, 1957, Page 5

The AZA will hold its Installation Banquet Dance September 8 at the San Diego Hotel from 6:30 to 12:00 p.m. (sic, a.m.)

All B’nai B’rith members are invited to attend. The charge is $6 per couple.  R.S.V.P Gene Rothstein, HO-6-7424, or David Yaruss, HI-4-2264.

The following officers will be installed: Aleph Godol (president) MEl Brav; Aleph S’gan (Vice-President) Jerome Karp; Aleph Mazkir (secretary) Sidney Winicki; Aleph Gizbor (Treasurer) Dave Yaruss; Aleph Shotare Godol (sergeant-at-arms), Gene Rothstein; Aleph Shorare Kotone (Assistant sergeant-at-arms), Frank Millman; Aleph Syper (reporter) Kenny Stolarsky; and Aleph Koehn Godol (Chaplain) David Blakeman.

Weinberger Lodge News
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 6, 1957, Page 6

A colored film showing the highlights of the European trip to be given away by the Lode will be shown at the next regular meeting of the Lodge on September 9th.  Morrie Kraus, general chairman of the project, states that the film will be presented by the Scandinavian Airlines System, and there will be a representative of the airline system to explain the finer points of the trip that we are giving away. The dance at which the trip will be given away is scheduled for Sunday evening, November 24th, at the San Diego Hotel. There will be no admission charge.  Only admittance is a ticket purchased for a chance to win the trip. Tickets may be obtained from Morrie Kraus.

Red Cross Joins United Fund
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 6, 1957, Page 6

The San Diego County Chapter of the American Red Cross and the Community Chest this week announced their participation in the newly formed United Fund of San Diego County.

The United Fund campaign this fall will replace the United Success Drive formerly conducted by the Chest and the regular March campaign by the Red Cross.  Rabbi Morton J. Cohn is campaign chairman for the new drive.

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history. To find stories on specific individuals or organizations, type their names in our search box, located just above the masthead on the right hand side of the screen.