SAN DIEGO –Three outstanding published poets will be reading and singing their works at the next “Jewish Poets—Jewish Voices” evening, Tuesday, February 18, at 7 p.m. at the Astor Judaica Library, Lawrence Family JCC.
Thea Iberall, Penni Rubin and Rae Rose, featured poets, have all had their works published in poetry publications and in books.
Thea and Penni are sisters. Penni is the mother of JCC’s Melanie Rubin, Director of Senior Activities at the JCC. Penni served for 40 years as an Enrichment Specialist for students from pre-school to primary grades, integrating science, art, math and music. She has written over 100 songs. Her most recent, “Why Is the Sky Blue” is a poem which teaches cloud identification. For her teacher-training, she developed “wiggle and giggle” songs for fun and teaching of fundamentals.
Rae Rose has had her poetry published in magazines such as Cicada, Lilith and the Paterson Review. Her recent book, Bipolar Disorder for Beginners is an account, in poetry and prose, of her struggles with that disease.
After the hour of featured poets, there will be a half hour of open microphone during which members of the audience are welcome to share their poetry. Following the program, there will be an informal reception. There is no charge for this program. For reservations, call Susan Hagler at the JCC: 858-457-3030. — Eileen Wingard