Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, November 1, 1957, Part 1

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Fund Nominates Twenty As Directors
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 1

Twenty San Diego Jewish leaders will be nominated to be directors of the United Jewish Fund for 1958-1959 according to Milton Y. Roberts, Fund President.

The Nominating Committee will present the following slate for election for a two-year term 1958-1959 at the Annual meeting on Sunday, December 15, 1957.

Selected by a Nominating Committee headed by Arthur Goodman, the slate will be presented at the Fund’s Annual Meeting on Sunday, Dec. 15, at the El Cortez Hotel.

Abraham Abramson–Pace Setter Chairman 1957 Fund Campaign; Past Pres. Beth Jacob Synagogue; Merchant

Mrs. Gabriel Berg– Director UJF; Hadassah and United Jewish Appeal leader.

Edward Breier — President Hillcrest Businessmen Association; merchant.

William Colt–Treasurer, United Jewish Fund; President, Jewish Social Service Agency.

Avrom I. Dickman — Insurance Executive; Civic Leader; YMCA Director

Isaac Domnitz — Histadrut leader; Chairman Marcher’s Division 1957 campaign.

Carl M. Esenoff — Vice-Pres. United Jewish Fund; Civic leader

Julius Kahn — Texas Liquor executive; member 1957 Allocations Committee

Larry Lawrence — Building Executive; member of Young Leadership Group.

A.P. Nasatir–Director UJF; Professor San Diego STate

Joseph Pasternak — Convair Engineer

Milton Y. Roberts –President United Jewish Fund; Merchant; Civic Leader

Norman Smith– Real Estate executive.

Harry Snyder–Director, United Jewish Fund; Merchant

Mrs. Lewis Solomon– Chairman Women’s Division 1957 Fund Campaign; Past Pres. Tifereth Israel Sisterhood.

Robert Spiegel — Director UJF; Chairman 1957 Allocations Committee; Manufacturer

David Stotsky — Director UJF; Insurance Executive

Samuel A. Sussman — Director UJF; Laundry executive

Philip Abrams — Histadrut leader

Elmer Wohl — Convair official

Other nominations may be made by petition on or before December 11, 1957. Fund By-laws provide: “The nominating committee shall receive written petition of nomination made by 5 members, and containing the name or names of any other member or members, for presentation at the Annual Meeting as nominees for the election of directors.  The names of the person or persons nominated by petition shall be filled with the secretary of the United Jewish Fund and must be accompanied by a written acceptance of such nominees not later than 5 days preceding  the Annual Meeting.

Members of the Nominating Committee with Chairman Goodman were: Martin Gleich, Dr. Walter Ornstein, Seymour Rabin, Mrs. Abe Ratner, Abraham Sklar and David Stotsky.

Present Board members whose terms expire are: Milton Y. Roberts, Carl M. Esemnoff, William Colt, MRs. Gabriel Berg, Dr. A.P. Nasatir, David Stotsky, Edward Baranov, Edward Breitbard, William Carter, Elliott Cushman, Milton Fredman, Jack O. Gross, Rodin Horrow, Irvin Kahn, Harry Snyder, Robert Spiegel, Samuel A. Sussman, Ruben Umansky, and Alex Wise.

Going up-up-UP! Center Building Half Completed; Target Date- April 1, 1958
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 1

Overall view of construction of Jewish Community Center Building at 54th and University showing playground area, swimming pool area and building. Clearly seen are the administrative wing in the center background, and the nursery school area in the right foreground.
Overall view of construction of Jewish Community Center Building at 54th and University showing playground area, swimming pool area and building. Clearly seen are the administrative wing in the center background, and the nursery school area in the right foreground.

UJF Endorses United Fund, Urges Members Work, Give
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 1

The San Diego United Fund began its first campaign seeking $4,250,000.

Successor organization to the United Success Fund which last year raised over $1,300,000, the United Fund encompasses over 100 organizations including seven Community Chests covering all of San Diego County.

General chairman of this year’s effort is Rabbi Morton J. Cohn who has been active in civic affairs for the pas eleven years.

Issuing a call for the community-wide support of the campaign, Rabbi Cohn said:

“In the United Fund we find a cause that deserves the active support of all our people. Nowhere else do neighbors unite so completely, as wholeheartedly and this is as it should be for no other effort covers such a vast field of services.”

Although the United Jewish Fund is not at this time a member agency of the United Fund, the directors of the Fund, at the last board meeting, passed a resolution urging all members of the Jewish community to not only give generously but to participate actively.

Milton Roberts, Fund president said:

“This is the great annual Humanitarian service in which the people of San Diego, of every race, creed and walk of life, join together to support or vital voluntary welfare services.”


James G. McDonald
James G. McDonald

First United States Ambassador to Israel, James G. McDonald, Here for Bond Drive
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 1

James G. McDonald, first United States Ambassador to Israel, will be visiting San Diego next week to help inaugurate the State of Israel Bond Drive, it was announced by Bond Chairman Richard F. Lustig.

Ambassador McDonald has devoted himself to better understanding between the United States and Israel, and since his retirement from public life, he has worked toward the fulfillment of the State of Israel’s dream of economic independence.

During his visit to San Diego, Mr. McDonald will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Silverman and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Drogin.  The Silvermans and Drogins are inviting groups of their friends to join them and Mr. McDonald at their homes.


Three Local Leaders To Attend National Meeting In New Orleans
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 1

New Orleans will host over 650 delegates to the General Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds on November 14-17 according to Eli H. Levenon of San Diego, National Vice-President.

Mr. Levenson, Maury Novak and Albert A. Hutler will represent San Diego Jewry at the conference being held in New Orleans.

Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, noted Cleveland spiritual leader, will be the keynote speaker at the opening session of the national meeting. He will speak on the goals and outlook for Jewish group life in America. Setting the framework for three days of intensive discussions to follow, Rabbi Silver will search beyond the specifics of everyday Jewish life and focus on the deeper meaning and purpose of Jewish group development in this country.

A major area of discussion for the delegates will be “Ten Years of American Aid to Israel.”  A special luncheon session on Friday, November 15, will hear first-hand reports and analyses on the achievements in Israel during the last decade as well as its future needs.  Hebert Friedman, Executive Vice President of the United Jewish Appeal; Isidor Sobeloff, Exec. Vice-Pres. of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, and Ernest Stock, CJFWF Consultant on Overseas Studies, will address the Assembly.

Ernest Michel To Show World Films
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 1

The Chaim Weitzman Branch of the LZOA announced that its Eleventh Annual Dinner will be held on Sunday, November 24th, at 6:00 p.m. at Beth Jacob Auditorium, 4473  30th.  The guest speaker will be Mr. Ernest Michel, west Coast Field Representative for the United Jewish Appeal.  Mr. Michel recently led a group of social workers from the United States in a trip around the world.  The group met with representatives of Jewish communities in many countries, including Israel. MR. Michel will discuss his experiences, and present films taken on his trip.

Donation for this home-cooked dinner is $3.00 and there will be no appeal for funds at this affair.

Reservations may be made by calling  Mr. Phil Abrams, Dinner Chairman, at JU-3-4749; Mr. Joe Olsher, Ticket Chairman, BE-4-5914; or Mrs. Joseph Richlin, who is President Chaim Weitzman Branch, AT-4-3028.

Jolly 16 Invites Community to Dance
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 1

For forty-three years the annual dinner dance of the Jolly 16 Club has been one of the outstanding social events of the season.  You are invited to enjoy the company of old friends and make the acquaintance of newcomers in the community.

In an atmosphere of soft lights and music, a special gourmet dinner will be serv ed in the Don Room of the El Cortez on Saturday, November 9, at 8 p.m.  No-host cocktails from 7:30 to 8 p.m.  Music for the dinner-dance will be provided by the popular Vic Vincent and his orchestra.

If you haven’t made arrangements for your table, telephone Sylvia Bard, AT-2-6030; Sally Ratner, AT-4-6642 or Bernice Esenoff, AT-4-7257.  Donation is $10,00 per person.  All proceeds will go toward the organization’s philanthrojpic work.

Scripps Lectures
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 1

Dr. Harold C. Urey will be the second lecturer at the La Jolla High School, on November 11. Dr. Urey, Professor of Chemistry at the Institute of Nuclear Studies, University of Chicago, will speak on “The Origin of the Earth and Planets.”  One of the most honored scientists in the world, a Nobel Laureate, Dr. Urey will be giving his first public lecture in the San Diego area.  Admission is free.

Weinberger Lodge To Present Speaker
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 1

The meeting scheduled for November 11th will offer one of the most interesting talks ever to be presented to the lodge. Dr. Allen Rosenblatt, local engineer, will speak on nuclear fallout.

Al Kaye and Morrie Kraus, co-chairmen of the European trip ticket sales, report that there is only one month left in which to dispose of the tickets. All members of the Lodge are urged to buy at least one ticket and sell at least one.

Great plans are in the making for the dance to be held in conjunction with the European drawing and the admission will be the purchasing of at least one ticket for a couple.

Dr. Harold Rujas is to be highly commended for his untiring work in behalf of Hillel.  His interfaith program at State College is the talk of the campus.

Labor Committee To Hold Banquet Nov. 30
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 1

The Jewish Labor Committee will hold a banquet and concert on Saturday, November 30th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Beth Jacob Center.

The guest of honor will be Jacob Pat of New York, General Secretary of the Jewish Labor Committee, who recently returned from two months in Israel.

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Penn To Celebrate Golden Anniversary
Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 2

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Penn of 44412 Menlo Ave. will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary at a family dinner in the Lafayette Hotel on Sunday, Nov. 3.  Prior to the dinner there will be a cocktail party.

Dinner hosts will be their sons and daughters-in-law and a daughter and son-in-law.  Mr. and Mrs. Julius Penn, Mr. and Mrs. William Penn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Penn, and Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Kraus, all of San Diego.  A special presentation will be made by the elder Penns’ 10 grandchildren.

Married in Wilno, Russia, on Nov. 3, 1907, Mr. and Mrs. Penn spent their honeymoon on the boat that brought them to America. They lived in Pennsylvania and Illinois before they settled here in 1938.

Mrs. Penn has been very active in Jewish communal organizations, being on the Boards of the Beth Jacob Auxiliary and Sisterhood, S.D. Birdie Stodel B’nai B’rith Chapter, City of Hope, Jewish Labor Committee, and a member of the Pioneer Women.

Mr. Penn has long been on the Boards of the Beth Jacob Congregation, and the Jewish Labor Committee.  For many years he has been active as a field worker for the United Jewish Fund during its campaigns.

Joining in the festivities will be Mr. Penn’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Penn of this city, and Mrs. Penn’s brother and two sisters, Mr. A.J. Kahn and Mrs. Anna Borenstein of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. Yale Smith of Los Angeles,  as well  as many other relatives from out-of-town.

Southwestern Jewish Press, November 1, 1957, Page 2

Congratulations are in order to Israel Shavinsky who received a plaque from Postmaster Arthur Sommerfield for a constructive suggestion revising the handling of money-order forms. The new system is being used all over the country.

Small World Dept.  Mr. and Mrs. Hebert Glaser who recently visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Berkowicz, in San Diego brought a gift and letter to Julia Kaufman from a friend in Caracas, Venezuela.

Commuters to Los Angeles since their daughter, Sharlene, entered the University of Southern California are Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stone. They attended the Michigan-USC football game, the Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority presentation night; the pledge mothers’ luncheon, and the AEP fathers and daughters banquet. In spite of the school activity, Sharlene found time to spend some time with her parents and friends in San Diego during the High Holy Days.
Rusty Bartel will play the part of “Dorothy” in the “Wizard of Oz” scheduled for Nov. 2-3 and Nov. 9-10, 2:30 p.m., at the Roosevelt Jr. High. There will be a special morning performance on Nov. 10, at 10:30 a.m.  Also in the cast is Marcia Weiss.

After a vacation in Hawaii and a tour of the Islands, Mr. Joseph Wolfman is back at his desk at KCBQ, and his wife is once more doing her weekly stint for American Red Cross. In her spare time, Mrs. Wolfman is seeing decorators for her new home in Kensington.

Bride-to-be Maxine Schoenkopf was honored with a bridal shower on October 26, at the Lafayette Hotel.  Hostess Mrs. Theodore Brenner entertained fifty guests. The bride’s aunt, Mrs. L. Peyser, of Newark, N.J., attended the shower.  Main decor was a cupid holding an urn overflowing with fruit, sprayed white, and ivy.  The wedding is set for November 17.
Announcement has been made of the appointment of Al DeSure to represent the California Investors in their general securities and investment trust business.

Rose Neumann, who is staying at the home of her son, Sid Neumann, since leaving the hospital, wishes to convey her thanks to her friends for their good wishes.

The Al Hutlers and Ossie Ehrlich have been enjoying the visits of out-of-town relatives.  Last week Al’s sister and brother-in-aw, Mr. and Mrs. Max Becker of Chicago, Ill., were the houseguests and this week Mrs. Ehrlich’s son, Daniel Ehrlich, of Atlanta, Ga., will be in San Diego.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gerber wish to express their appreciation to all their friends for their kind expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement. MR. and MRs. Garber have just moved to 4453 Ohio Street.

Actor Stephen Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stitzel, can be seen daily at 1:30 p.m. over Channel 2 and 8 in the serial “Edge of Night.”

The Seymour Rabins are leaving for a surprise trip to Hawaii — all expenses paid.  Mr. Rabin won the trip at a recent businessmen’s luncheon.
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history. To find stories on specific individuals or organizations, type their names in our search box, located just above the masthead on the right hand side of the screen.