SAN DIEGO (Press Release)– The Jewish Federation of San Diego County has established a new speaker series dubbed “FED Talks.” For the first event Federation will be hosting three of San Diego’s brightest Jewish biotech experts at the new San Diego Public Library on March 20, at 6pm. Guest speakers will include: Dr. Philip Low, CEO of NeuroVigil and protege of Stephen Hawking, Dr. Phil Bara, Professor from the Scripps Research Institute, and Dr. Lawrence Goldstein, Director of UCSD Stem Cell Program, and author of Stem Cells for Dummies.
Each edition of FED Talks will feature three of the most brilliant Jewish minds from San Diego focusing on a particular discipline. Over the course of the next year Federation will feature world-class minds in the fields of science, art, business, and social justice. FED Talks speakers are challenged to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes or less to a live audience. These short, powerful talks will enrich the San Diego Jewish community by engaging attendees in an accessible way while showcasing the best and brightest our city has to offer.
Biographies, videos and more information about the speakers may be found on the Federation’s website.
Preceding provided by the Jewish Federation of San Diego County
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