Contests: Trip to Israel, U.S. Capitol art show


yom ha'atzma'utSAN DIEGO (SDJW) — A free El Al flight to Israel for one along with a two-day stay at the Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem will be given away at the Yom Ha’Atazma’ut (Israel Independence Day) festival May 18 at Nobel Field.  To enter the contest, simply click on our advertisement for Yom Ha’Atszma’ut  as it cycles through our front page and then fill in the required information which goes to the Jewish Federation.  Aaron Truax, Federation spokesman, said contestants need not be present at the festival to win.

Meanwhile, in another kind of contest, Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-San Diego) encourages high school students living in the 53rd Congressional District to enter the Congressional Art Competition.  The winner will have their masterpiece displayed in the Capitol. Interested students can get more information on the competition at Davis’s website.

“As the former director of a youth leadership program in San Diego, I know that young people are often the most thoughtful and creative members of our community,” said Davis.  “Art expands the mind and encourages innovation and critical thinking.  I hope students in my congressional district will take advantage of this unique opportunity.”

Since 1982, members of Congress have held a contest each year to select a work of art by a high school student in their congressional district. The winning piece will be displayed for one year in the Cannon Tunnel of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, DC.  This impressive art exhibit brightens the Cannon Tunnel and showcases the talent of the nation’s young people.   The contest is only open to high school students.

The winning student will receive scholarship opportunities and two round-trip airfare tickets to travel to Washington, DC for the exhibit’s ribbon-cutting ceremony.    The deadline to submit artwork to Davis’s San Diego Office is 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 23.

Preceding provided by Jewish Federation of San Diego and Congresswoman Susan Davis.  … San Diego Jewish World seeks sponsorships to be placed, as this notice is, just below articles that appear on our site.  To inquire, call editor Donald H. Harrison at (619) 265-0808 or contact him via