Humoring the headlines: June 24, 2016

Summer TV Series

By Laurie Baron

Laurie Baron
Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO─Now that the regular television season is over, the networks are premiering new series to replace them for the summer.  Here are the most promising ones:

That Sixties Show: John Lewis reenacts the civil rights sit-ins of the 1960s on the floor of the House of Representatives.  After a preview this week, this show will resume on July 5th and run until July 15th.  It will build the audience for another demonstration-filled sitcom, the Republican National Convention.


Crazy Ex-Candidate: Although presumed to have perished in an avalanche when Mt. McKinley was renamed Mt. Denali, Sarah Palin is back as the warmup act for Donald Trump,  Most of the time she’s so out of it she can’t even see Todd, let alone Russia, from her house.


Breaking Rad: A Jewish curmudgeon from Vermont concocts a heady brew of socialist idealism to get millions of people under 35 hooked on economic justice.


The Big Bang Theory: Episodes will pit armed teams from North Korea, ISIS, Boko Haram,  and the NRA against each other to see which group can inflict the most damage and casualties.


The Queen of King, AKA Game of Thrones: Hillary Clinton usurps the role of her husband and in the process attracts all of his old enemies.  This program is available only to subscribers to the private Clinton channel.   


Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via   San Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally.