‘Pride and Prejudice’ sequel enchants in Carlsbad

By Cantor Sheldon Foster Merel

CARLSBAD, California — On my first visit to the New Village Arts Theatre for me last Sunday, I enjoyed a spritely  performance of Miss Bennet, Christmas at Pemberley. Lauren Gunderson and Margot Melcon wrote this  charming sequel to Pride and Prejudice  by Jane Austin.   It is  a delightful twist on Austin’s  original story, and  includes most of the original characters. It takes place  a new year’s after the original, in 1815 at the Pemberley home of Elizabeth and Mrs. Darcy.

A very pregnant Jane Bennet is there, along with her husband, and. sister Lydia, as well. (If you remember all the original  character by Austin). This time around, however the focus is on the  younger sister, Mary,  rather than the original , Elizabeth.

The entire cast is excellent and  thanks to the fine direction by Kristiann Kurner, the action moves smoothly with multiple  and challenging   entrances and staging    It has a nice mix of comedy and drama, and  for me it was a treat  to hear each  of the actors speak in perfect English,, subtly  sounding  from England of that period.  How nice to hear every vowel , consonant and the letter “t”  pronounced!

The plot is  a bit complex , but the audience was  tuned into every word  and funny line.  All the actors are splendid but  the character of Bingley  is the comic relief

Mary (well done by Ayanna Workman.) is a bookish young woman who has not quite found her identity among her more gregarious sisters. She is single and her sisters are hoping to find a match for her. Enter Lord  Arthur Bingley, a tall shy young man, and  delightfully gawkish (brilliantly played by Sittichai Chaiyahat).  The  story is wrapped around these two characters as we watch the  sisters busily  trying to set up a match for Mary with the rich Lord Bingley.  The costumes by  Alissa Benzoin and  stage setting are authentic and excellent.

The  Village Art Theatre is 17 years old , and was started by graduates of the New York Actors studio Drama School. The theatre seats 100 people and  the play will continue until December 23.  I thoroughly enjoyed the performance, and recommend you catch it for a delightful evening of  live theater.

Merel is cantor emeritus of Congregation Beth Israel in San Diego.  He may be contacted via sheldon.merel@sdjewishworld.com


1 thought on “‘Pride and Prejudice’ sequel enchants in Carlsbad”

  1. Sheldon, I,too, found this show a lovely treat, and better than lots of the holiday treacle out there in December. New Village Arts theater is a real gift to our county and the acting, directing, costumes and sets are fabulous and first rate! Thanks for your review.

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