Editor’s E-Mail Box: January 22, 2019 (4 items)

Fanny Krasner Lebovits

Official release for Fanny Krasner Lebovits’ Holocaust memoir

Tuesday, Jan. 22, was the official release date for Memories, Miracles & Meaning — Insights of a Holocaust Survivor by San Diegan Fanny Krasner Lebovits.

Congregation Beth El, 8660 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, will host a book sale and signing for the 96-year-old author at 6 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 31.

To read San Diego Jewish World’s  review of this book, please click here.


IAC sponsored Tu Bishvat celebrations at 1,000 locations

This past weekend, the Israeli-American Council (IAC) put down new roots across America for a first-of-its-kind national “Israeli-style” celebration of Tu Bishvat, also known as the Jewish New Year for Trees or Jewish Earth Day.

This special mega celebration of the holiday took place during a weekend-long program beginning on Friday, January 18th, and ending on Sunday, January 20th. The IAC’s National Shishi Israeli Tu Bishvat brought together 40 communities and college campuses around the country with over 1,000 Shabbat and seder celebrations welcoming thousands of participants.

In Israel, Tu Bishvat is widely celebrated with tree-planting ceremonies and fruit-themed seders. As part of the national program’s focus on fusing Israeli culture and Jewish heritage, the IAC provided each community and campus with an “IAC Shishi Israeli Tu Bishvat Program” booklet that combines Israeli and Jewish traditions. The booklet served as a guide for incorporating Israeli and Jewish elements of the holiday at the nation-wide events — including tree-planting, community seders with fruit from Israel, a special holiday quiz, IAC Keshet activities for children, and sing-a-longs with Tu Bishvat-themed songs in Hebrew. Additionally, participating regions served Israeli food at their events. — From the Israeli-American Council


Grateful farmer plants 18 date palms in honor of paramedics who saved his life

Yossi Gal, right, plants date palms with MDA paramedics who saved his life

Eighteen (chai) palm trees in honor of the Magen David Adom (MDA) team who saved the life of farmer  Yossi Gal, 64, of Moshav Tomer, were planted in a Tu Bishvat tribute. A special sign dedicates the new line of palm trees to the MDA people who saved Yossi’s life after he had a heart attack.

“I invited you today to the place where my life almost ended, to give new life through the planting of trees for decades ahead,” Yossi Gal told the emergency responders. “You saved my life, you deserve a lot.”

After being treated at the scene and airlifted to a hospital, Gal was able to return home four days later. At the Tu Bishvat event, those MDA paramedics, Amit Nuriani, Yevgeny Lampert, Yossi Halabi and Zvika Malkis, arrived again at Yossi’s farm. This time they were accompanied by about forty MDA youth volunteers from Afula and Beit She’an.

The paramedics, together with Yossi’s family and the MDA youth volunteers, went to a special plot of land on the farm and there they planted 18 palm trees that will bear the fruits known as “Majehul” dates, for many years to come.  — From Magen David Adom


JLTV dating program will feature three bubbes as matchmakers

Jewish Life Television (JLTV) plans to start a new program at 8 p.m., Monday,  Feb. 11 called Bubbies Know Best in which three grandmothers will play matchmakers for eligible bachelors and bachelorettes.  The Bubbies are S. J. Mendelson, who competed in Season 12 of America’s Got Talent; Bunny Gibson, one of the original dancers on American Bandstand,  and Linda Rich, the first female cantor to serve a Conservative congregation.  The program will be hosted by Erin Davis.  — From JLTV


Preceding items culled from news releases. Please send yours to editor@sdjewishworld.com