SAN DIEGO — In our Torah portion this week, Shoftim, we read about the importance of having judges and leaders in our community. We will come across the famous phrase “Tzedek, Tzedek, Tirdof,” “Justice, justice, you shall pursue.” On the surface, this command seems relatively straightforward and simple. In reality, however, the pursuit of justice ends up being much more complicated.
I think that is because we live in a world where not everything is black and white. We do not always know what the “just” or “right” course of action is. Justice, at times, can seem subjective, relative, and circumstantial. One person’s idea of justice might be described as unjust, by someone else.
That is why I think that the text does not tell us to be just, and to do what is just, but rather to pursue it. It recognizes the complexities involved with justice. The Torah does not want us to avoid or dismiss these complexities, but rather asks that we struggle with them. We don’t always have to agree on what is just and what is right, but we have an obligation to stand up for what we believe to be right, and to engage with those, albeit respectfully, who disagree with us.
Which is why it is my hope and prayer for all of us, this Shabbat and beyond, that we embrace the Torah’s instruction. That we all continue to pursue justice in the hope of making our world a more compassionate, loving, and just place.
Rabbi Dorsch is spiritual leader at Tifereth Israel Synagogue. He may be contacted via
Rabbi Dorsch is spiritual leader at Tifereth Israel Synagogue. He may be contacted via
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