Streaming Jewish movies at home, Part IV

Laurie Baron

Editor’s Note: Columnist Laurie Baron has been scouring the TV and Internet services for movies of Jewish interest that you can watch at home.  Combined with the previous installments of his research, it is quite a collection.  Here are links to Parts I, II, and III.

By Laurie Baron

The Vore: Has movies from Israel and other countries that can be streamed for free.

Just Watch: Search engine for finding out if a film is currently available for streaming on cable networks or websites and, if so, identifying which ones are streaming it.

A Fortunate Man (Netflix): An ambitious Danish engineer falls in love with the daughter of a Jewish banker at the turn of the 19th Century.

Friday Night Dinner (Amazon): You can rent the first season of this popular British comedy series about a Jewish family getting together for Shabbat dinner.  

The Infidel (Amazon, Vudu, YouTube): Muslim man discovers he was adopted from a Jewish family and decides to learn more about Judaism, much to the dismay of his family and son’s fanatical future father-in-law.

Jo Jo Rabbit (Amazon or On Demand): A funny and sweet story about an indoctrinated Nazi boy who discovers his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in the attic.

To Each, Her Own (Netflix):  French movie about a Jewish lesbian who plans to come out to her family when she discovers she’s attracted to a man.

Our Boys (HBO): Powerful Israeli series about the kidnapping and murder of an Arab teen by three Israeli young men as retaliation for the kidnapping and murder of three Israelis teenagers.

A Tale of Love and Darkness (Netflix): Natalie Portman’s directorial debut based on Amos Oz’ coming of age and his relationship with his mother at the end of the British Mandate and the Israeli War of Independence.

Tel Aviv on Fire (Amazon): A Palestinian actor starring in an Israeli soap opera disagrees with its creators on how it should end.

Uncut Germs (Amazon or On Demand): The Diamond District of New York provides the backdrop from this unsettling look into a Jewish trader’s gambling addiction.  Adam Sandler gives a bravura performance.

Welcome to Kutsher’s: The Last Catskills Resort (Amazon): Documentary about the history and demise of the Catskills Jewish resorts.

Lawrence Baron, Ph.D, is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University and the author of Projecting the Holocaust into the Present.   He may be contacted via

1 thought on “Streaming Jewish movies at home, Part IV”

  1. Thanks for the great TV suggestions! I will pass these n to the Jewish Film Festival. Thanks, Francine G.

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