Books for Jewish children

Snuggle Up With a Great Summer Read

By Marcia Berneger

Marcia Berneger

SAN DIEGO — Today, we’ll look at two books to be read with your children:  You’re the Cheese in my Blintz and My Sister is Sleeping:

You’re the Cheese in my Blintz, written by Leslie Kimmelman and illustrated by Ramona Kaulitzki, is as sweet as a plate of blintzes. Inside this delicious book are dads with babies, moms with babies, and such a variety of Jewish foods–oy! Sprinkled throughout are multi-ethnic families and even a few Jewish holidays. The verses and illustrations are kneaded together with love, creating a picture of how special each child is. With its catchy rhythms and adorable babies, this book will delight young children. This gentle, soothing story will make a perfect bedtime read, as well. Settle into your coziest chair, share a nosh, and enjoy this book with your little one!

My Sister is Sleeping, written by Devora Busheri and illustrated by Michel Kichka, is a fun read for any parent with an impatient older sibling. The big sister in this story tells of all the wonderful things she will be able to do with her baby sister once she finally wakes up. While she’s waiting, big sister is very busy painting and drawing pictures and trying to be patient. Will her baby sister ever awaken from her nap. As an added bonus to this delightful tale, Hebrew words are seamlessly woven into the story, introducing readers to simple vocabulary words like sister (achoti), Mommy (Ima) and hands (yadayim). The illustrations are filled with the sister’s child-like drawings, creating a friendly bond between the reader and this creative main character while sending a positive message: being a big sister can be lots of fun.

Marcia Berneger is a retired elementary school teacher as well as a teacher at Torah school.  She is the author of such children’s books as Buster the Little Garbage Truck, and A Dreidel in Time.