Live Theater is Ready to Return From Hibernation

By Eva Trieger

Eva Trieger

SOLANA BEACH, California — Thank G-d for resilience, fortitude, and artistic directors like David Ellenstein. After our year-plus of hibernation, North Coast Repertory Theatre (NCRT) has put together a season of shows that is sure to delight everyone, young, less young, vaccinated, and bipartisan. Season 40 is filled with seven wonderful offerings. Two West Coast premieres, a world premiere, a Southern California premiere, and three musicals that will have you swinging, swaying, and tapping your toes.

The shows run the gamut of emotions, genres, and tone, and I think I speak for all of us when I say we are ravenous for live theater. Zoom productions have been great, don’t get me wrong, but there’s nothing quite like experiencing Marty Burnett’s sets, Aaron Rumley’s mastery of light and sound, and the committed cadre of volunteer ushers and cafe workers in person!

September 8, Season 40 will open with Dancing Lessons, by Mark St. Germain. If this name rings a bell it’s because he also gave us Freud’s Last Session and Becoming Dr. Ruth. This play is directed by well-loved actor Richard Baird. He has performed many times on North Coast Rep’s stage in both comic and dark roles, and he never disappoints.

The following show is Ben Butler by Richard Strand. This piece pays tribute to a Civil War figure and explores his wartime choices and decisions. It covers provocative issues surrounding civil rights and equality, making it a most current, yet historical play. David Ellenstein will direct this play, which opens on October 20.

Christopher Williams directs a West Coast premiere, Desperate Measures. This musical conjures up Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, set in the Wild West. Opening is slated for January 12 and the show will provide many laughs. Sounds like the perfect way to kick off the new year.

And lest you think Season 40 won’t contain a Tony Award-winning drama…think again! The Homecoming by Harold Pinter provides a peek into the toxicity of family dynamics when a long-absent son brings his new wife to his natal home. Ellenstein directs this show which is pitched at mature audiences. Mark your calendars for March 2-27.

For a light Spring fling, director William Selby tickles our funnybones with Forbidden Broadway’s Greatest Hits. This musical will introduce you to satire paying homage to Broadway’s superstars. Gerard Alessandrini spoofs famed and familiar musicals including Chicago, Phantom of the Opera, Fiddler On the Roof, and so many others (April 20-May 15).

NCRT kicks off the summer with another West Coast premiere, The Outgoing Tide. This family drama written by Bruce Graham evaluates life choices and aging. It explores how this phenomenon impacts all family members and will tug at your heartstrings. Everyone will relate to this powerful play directed by Nike Doukas. The show opens June 8 and runs through July 3.

A world premier musical will close out the season with The Remarkable Mister Holmes. Yes, that same Mr. Holmes of sleuthdom….only who knew he could carry a tune, init? Ellenstein directed this one and while it is comedic, the director made sure that it paid tribute to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s thread. This play is described as “fast-paced, outrageous, and irreverent.” It will open July 20 and run through August 14.

Two additional shows are available outside of the subscription. The first is the returning and beloved Always….Patsy Cline. This musical depicts the genuine story of the singer’s life and friendship with one of her devoted fans, Louise Seger. Their correspondence continued until the end of Cline’s life. This show, directed by Allegra Libonati runs December 8, 2021-January 2, 2022.

An Iliad by Lisa Peterson and Denis O’Hare returns, but this time LIVE. It is a retelling of Homer’s classic poem about the Trojan War. Starring the aforementioned Richard Baird, it is sure to be an incredible theatrical experience. This play, directed by David Ellenstein, will run March 31 to April 10.

As I said, I’m so excited to be able to attend live theater again. I’m sure many of you share my enthusiasm and appreciation for the creativity our local theaters have shown in finding outdoor venues or alternative ways of keeping creativity and expression alive. It is my hope that everyone supports the arts in every way they can because I know how my life is enhanced by our theaters! I look forward to seeing you at North Coast Rep for these shows.

Tickets and subscriptions may be purchased at or by phone at 858-481-1055.

Eva Trieger is a freelance writer based in Solana Beach, California. She may be contacted via