Satire: Reactions to Afghanistan

By Laurie Baron, Ph.D

Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO — Donald Trump castigated Joe Biden for abandoning Afghans who helped U.S. forces: “I would never have done such a thing.  It’s un-Kurd of.”

Most Americans were appalled by the photograph of over six hundred Afghans sitting on the floor of a C-17 Globemaster III except for the owners of Sprit Airlines who are planning to order a fleet of the jumbo transports for their new super discount carrier Dispirit Airlines.

An international pacificist organization has invited former Afghan military commanders to its annual conference to illustrate that even when a war is going on, soldiers can refuse to fight.

QAnon accused Biden of arranging flights for Afghan children with half of them destined for brothels and the other half for meat packing plants.

The Taliban has declared that it will “protect the rights of women within the bounds of Shariah law,” but many outside observers remain skeptical since the new government is forcing all women to wear burkas under the pretext that it’s a health measure to stem the spread of the Delta variant.


Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via lawrence.baron@sdjewishworld.comSan Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally.