Jewish Trivia Quiz: Governor Ron DeSantis

By Mark D. Zimmerman

Mark D. Zimmerman

Following the lead of Governor Ron DeSantis, the Florida State Board of Education has threatened to withhold funds from the school boards in Broward and Alachua counties, where local officials want to enforce mask requirements for their students. DeSantis has stated that mask wearing should be an individual choice, and even said — against all scientific evidence — that, “It’s not healthy for these students to be sitting there all day, 6-year-old kids in kindergarten covered in masks.”

Meanwhile, the infection rate in Florida hovers around 20 percent, and the state’s childrens’ hospitals are overwhelmed with young COVID-19 patients. DeSantis ran for office promising to be the nation’s most pro-Israel governor. When DeSantis visited Israel, he placed a note in the Western Wall with a prayer, asking God’s protection for Florida. What specifically did Governor DeSantis request of God in his note?

A. The governor’s note read, “Good Lord, spare us hate and spare us evil this year.”

B. The governor’s note read, “Good Lord, spare us hurricanes this year.”

C. The governor’s note read, “Good Lord, spare us your wrath and shower us with your blessings this year.”

D. The governor’s note read, “Good Lord, spare us pandemics this year.”

E. The governor’s note read, “Good Lord, spare us abortion, gun control, Democrats, immigrants, critical race theory, LGBTQ rights, tax increases, Obamacare, minority voting, DACA, sanctuary cities, removal of Confederate monuments, and oh yeah, vaccinations and masks this year.”

Link to answer:
Mark Zimmerman is the author of a series of Jewish trivia books, under the title RASHI, RAMBAM and RAMALAMADINGDONG: A Quizbook of Jewish Trivia Facts & Fun.