Jewish Leaders Promote School Board Resolution Against Antisemitism

SAN DIEGO — Jewish leaders in San Diego on Tuesday released the following action alert:

Dear Advocates,

Tomorrow, the San Diego Unified School District Board of Trustees will take up a proposed resolution condemning antisemitism and affirming the value of Jewish students, staff, and families.

In recognizing the importance of teaching ethnic studies, the District is looking to commit that the curriculum refrains from overt antisemitism, promotes equity and inclusiveness, and deepens students’ understanding of American history. Unfortunately, fringe activists are once again using this as an opportunity to advance their misguided political agenda. We need your support to send a message to the Board of Trustees of the importance of teaching ethnic studies and ensuring that our schools are more welcoming for students of all backgrounds and faiths.

Here are two ways can get involved now:

  1. SIGN OUR PETITION, letting the San Diego Unified School District Board of Trustees that you support ethnic studies AND support their resolution condemning antisemitism.
  2. SIGN UP TO PROVIDE PUBLIC TESTIMONY at the board meeting on Tuesday at 5 p.m. PT. Requests to provide Public Testimony must be received by 1 p.m. PT on Tuesday 10/26.

Your advocacy makes all the difference in creating more inclusive environments for our students and fighting antisemitism.


Heidi Gantwerk
Interim President & CEO
Jewish Federation of San Diego County

Tammy Gillies
Regional Director
ADL San Diego

Rabbis Devorah Marcus and Josh Dorsch
San Diego Rabbinical Association