Pictogram: The 6-Braided Challah

Step-by-step instructions for making a 6-braided challah. Credit: Lizzie Rubin.

By Lizzie Rubin


6 strands of dough in equal size and length


  1. Start with the starting position. Six strands of challah and 7 positions on the table: position 1, position 2, position 3, middle, position 4, position 5, and position 6. In the starting position, the 6 strands of challah are pinched together at the top and spread out in the picture shown below.
  2. Cross strands in positions 1 and positions 6 over each other, with the strand in position 6 laying on top of position 1.
  3. Take the strand in position 1 and place it in the middle position.
  4. Take the strand in position 5 and place it in position 1.
  5. Take the strand in position 4 and place it in position 5.
  6. Take the strand in the middle position and place it in position 4.
  7. Take the strand in position 6 and place it in the middle position.
  8. Take the strand in position 2 and place it in position 6.
  9. Take the strand in position 3 and place it in position 2.
  10. Take the strand in the middle position and place it in position 3.
  11. Repeat steps 3-10 until you reach the end of your strands.
  12. Pinch the ends of the strands and tuck (or, hide) it under the challah.
Lizzie Rubin

Lizzie Rubin lives in Pacific Beach with her husband and two children.