Gerstman Schwartz LLP, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, StandWithUs Partner to Combat Rise in Antisemitism

NEW YORK (Press Release) — Gerstman Schwartz LLP and New York State Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein are excited to announce a new legal action partnership with StandWithUs to combat the rise in antisemitic hate crimes. This innovative criminal justice initiative seeks to address the dual problem of a national rise in antisemitic attacks and failures in the criminal justice system to hold perpetrators accountable. Gerstman Schwartz, Assemblyman Eichenstein, and StandWithUs propose to address this problem by pursuing civil legal remedies for criminally based antisemitic actions and raising awareness in the community about the availability of such lawsuits.

As Assemblyman Eichenstein and Gerstman Schwartz’s press release explained, the New York-based law firm will file civil lawsuits on behalf of victims of antisemitic hate crimes based on a wide range of civil causes of action, including assault and battery, property damage, trespass to property, trespass to chattel, intentional infliction of emotional distress, civil rights claims, and more. Upon the successful resolution of a case, Gerstman Schwartz will have the ability, if necessary, to garnish the wages of the defendant(s) or put a lien on their bank accounts.

As part of the partnership, StandWithUs will rely on its national network of nearly 250 pro bono attorneys. If cases arise outside of New York, StandWithUs will help find local counsel for the litigation while Gerstman Schwartz provides legal expertise and directs the case. The initiative will aim to provide all legal expenses free of cost to the victim.

“The only way to fight fire is with fire. If they decide to attack us, we are prepared to do the same. If violent antisemites think the criminal justice system is the only thing standing in their way, they are very mistaken. We will track them to the end of the earth and impose civil penalties against them and their assets,” said Brad Gerstman, Partner, Gerstman Schwartz LLP.

“If you were a victim of an antisemitic hate crime, now is the time to come forward and file a civil lawsuit against your attackers,” said Assemblyman Eichenstein. “Filing a civil lawsuit is an additional consequence that will force perpetrators to regret their actions and will serve to deter others from doing the same. With this new initiative, victims of hate crimes will no longer have to suffer while their attackers get released with a slap on the wrist. It’s time for good citizens to stamp out bigotry and intolerance and ensure that justice will be served.”

“We are excited to join in this tremendous partnership with Gerstman Schwartz to help provide remedies for victims of antisemitic hate crimes who might otherwise fail to receive any justice,” said Roz Rothstein, StandWithUs CEO and co-founder. “With antisemitic assaults on the rise, this initiative is desperately needed as a means of holding criminals accountable for their hateful acts targeting Jews. As with our many programs combating antisemitism, this effort will send the clear message that antisemitic violence will not be tolerated on our watch.”

We urge those who have experienced an antisemitic hate crime and are interested in bringing a civil lawsuit to hold the perpetrators accountable, to please contact Gerstman Schwartz LLP at or StandWithUs at


Preceding provided by StandWithUs