North Coast Rep’s ‘Desperate Measures’ an Antidote for Pandemic Blues

By Eva Trieger

Eva Trieger

SOLANA BEACH, California — To paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do,” do not miss Desperate Measures at the North Coast Repertory Theatre. This delightful show is an antidote for the pandemic blues. This upbeat, mood-boosting musical will lift you up and transport you to a plane of pure joy with its clever Bard-inspired dialogue and requisite plot twists.

Under the very excellent direction of Christopher Williams, a supremely talented cast reimagines Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, with thoughtful and witty writing by Peter Kellogg. David Friedman’s musical score is the perfect backdrop for Blazing Saddles meets Annie Get Your Gun meets The Sound of Music. But don’t take my word for it.  Go get your tickets, posthaste, and see for yourself!

As we’ve come to expect, set designer (aka “Miracle Worker”) Marty Burnett has once more transformed that small stage into a Wild West Arizona jail, governor’s office, and boudoir, all while accommodating a good-sized orchestra replete with keyboard (Craig Bohmler) guitar, banjo, mandolin (Nikko Nobleza) bass (Scott Harvester), and violin/mandolin (Dan Sankey).

Michael Louis Cusimano and Samantha Duval in the North Coast Rep’s “Desperate Measures.” Photo courtesy of Aaron Rumley.

Johnny Blood (Michael Louis Cusimano) is set to hang for the shooting of the Big Swede (Rudy Martinez) who vied for his Bella (Samantha Duval), a hook…um, saloon dancer. Sheriff Martin Green (Elijah Rock) is intent on upholding the law yet wants to spare his prisoner’s life by convincing Blood’s sister, the (almost) Sister to appeal to Governor Von Richterhenkenplifchtgetruber (Rusty Ferracane) for clemency. Sister Mary Jo (Jo Garcia-Reger) is reticent, but as an aspiring novitiate, feels she must do what is right. Toss in an Irish priest (also Rudy Martinez) with a crisis of faith and you’ve got a show that is firing on all cylinders.

What ensues is sheer fun in this silly Western romp. The actors all have beautiful moments of physical comedy, gorgeous solos, rhyming couplets, and a chemistry that is as rare as it is synergistic. The frolicking on stage exudes endorphins that splash over on the audience, who is being gifted with this West Coast premiere.

Thank you North Coast Rep! The standing ovation this evening was well-deserved and for two hours, I actually forgot I was wearing a mask and feeling cut off from the world. What a beautiful gift you’ve given us!

Desperate Measures runs through February 12. Tickets may be purchased online at or by phone at 858-481-1055.

Please note: Proof of COVID-19 vaccinations or negative test results are required, and masks must be worn for the entirety of the performance.


Eva Trieger is a Solana Beach-based freelance writer who specializes in coverage of the arts. She may be contacted via

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