California Legislative Jewish Caucus Announces Nearly $50 Million in Security Funding

SACRAMENTO, California (Press Release) On Monday, the California Legislative Jewish Caucus announced that the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) has awarded nearly $50 million to nonprofit organizations across the state through the California State Nonprofit Security Grant Program. Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel, (D-Woodland Hills), Jewish Caucus Chair, and Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), Jewish Caucus Vice Chair, issued the following statement:

Four congregants at Congregation Beth Israel, a Reform synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, were released after being held hostage for about 12 hours, Jan. 15, 2022. Source: Screenshot.

“The Jewish Caucus is proud to have secured nearly $50 million in last year’s state budget to help protect communities targeted by hate-motivated violence. The recent hostage situation at Congregation Beth Israel was a sad and shameful example of the very real threats facing our community, and a further reminder of how security training and enhancements can mean the difference between life and death. We are hopeful that the funding announced today will make a real difference in protecting vulnerable communities across California, and we are committed to working with our legislative colleagues and community advocates to expand and strengthen the Nonprofit Security Grant Program.”

The California State Nonprofit Security Grant Program was officially established in 2019 through legislation authored by members of the Jewish Caucus that was passed following the deadly shooting at the Poway Chabad synagogue in San Diego County. The Nonprofit Security Grant Program has funded critical security enhancements at religious institutions, LGBTQ community centers, reproductive health facilities, and other nonprofits deemed to be at risk from violent extremism. Last year’s state budget allocation of nearly $50 million was a historic increase secured with the support of leaders and activists representing a broad coalition of vulnerable communities. In 2019, the budget included $15 million for the program.

Last week, members of the Jewish Caucus introduced AB 1664, which will extend and strengthen the program, which is currently set to expire in 2025. Securing additional funding for the program continues to be a top priority for the Jewish Caucus, particularly following the hostage situation at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas earlier this month.


Preceding provided by the California Legislative Jewish Caucus