Satire: ‘Anything Goes’

(To the tune of the eponymous song)

Laurie Baron

By Laurie Baron

In pre-Trump days we held elections
And honored the voters’ selections.
Now Bannon knows, anything goes.

The loser by the voting tallies
Won’t concede and incites rallies.
Fraud he’ll expose, anything goes.

Biden deserved the plaudits
Instead of audits.
The mob who fought it.
Since Trump had taught it.
Courts never bought it
When Rudy sought it. To prove his false claims.

Results which they could not acknowledge.
Forged slates for the arcane College.
Biden deposed.
Anything goes.

If you like to vote by mail.
Next time you’re bound to fail.
Laws they’ll impose, anything goes.

When our elections
Cause insurrections
Based on deceptions
And misconceptions.
Few GOP defections.
Affirmed the big lie.

In pre-Trump days we held elections
And honored the voters’ selections.
Josh Hawley knows, anything goes.
The loser by the voting tallies
Won’t concede and incites rallies. We’ve in the throes, anything goes.


Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via San Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally.