San Diego Jewish Academy Students Return from 3-Week Experiential Trip to Israel

SAN DIEGO (Press Release) — San Diego Jewish Academy high school seniors traveled to Israel for 3 weeks of learning and touring the country through the Alexander Muss High School in Israel program (AMHSI). The travel experience included seniors being in Israel for Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel’s Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Acts of Terror, and Israel’s Independence Day.

San Diego Jewish Academy students in Israel

“The opportunities, knowledge gained, and personal growth these seniors experience during this trip are transformative for all involved,” said Michael Quigley, Head of the Upper School at SDJA. “Each year, we see the dynamic discovery and learning our students engage in throughout the trip from teachings about Israel history, to exploring the beautiful country through various hikes and treks, to engaging in deep, meaningful development and understanding of Israel. It is truly the experience of a lifetime for these students.”

While enrolled in the AMHSI program, students engage in classes, small group discussion, and participate in experiential opportunities throughout the country. It is through this model of education that students reflect and enhance their personal identity as future Jewish leaders. The packed itinerary allows the students to experience deeply and fully a multitude of different facets of the culture, people, and geography in Israel.

Helping students develop a deep, personally meaningful and long-lasting relationship with Israel is integral to the mission of San Diego Jewish Academy. Students spend years learning about Israel, knowing that it will culminate in spending their final semester of high school in Israel, traveling the country and engaging in all that it has to offer.


Preceding provided by San Diego Jewish Academy