Lapid new PM, Netanyahu First in Poll as Biden Visit Approaches

By Ira Sharkansky, PhD

Ira Sharansky

JERUSALEM — Yair Lapid has become our Prime Minister, at least until the election results in November.

It’s been a long haul, with Lapid demonstrating resolve and a willingness to defer. His coupling with Bennett, whose party had only a quarter of the Knesset seats as Lapid, demonstrated a lack of prominent ego.
Lapid is the son of a deceased politician, Tomi Lapid, and Yair was a former star in the media. More or less like his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelensky.

Lapid’s first words were his call for national unity. That hardly fits the image of a divided Israel, but it may work. The election is several months away, on November 1st, and that’s a long time in politics.

Meanwhile, there’s been testimony about Netanyahu receiving and demanding gifts, especially cigars and champagne, worth hundreds of thousands of shekels. Despite that, there’s a poll published by Ma’ariv, showing Bibi with 61 seats in the Knesset for him and his allies.

Yet they are not all firmly on board. A leader of the Ashkenazi Haredim, has been quoted–before that poll was released–expressing a willingness to look elsewhere if Bibi doesn’t make it.

The poll shows an increase in Lapid’s share, as well as support for Benny Gantz, Avigdor Leiberman, Gideon Sa’ar, Labor, and Ra’am. But Meretz and Yamina (Bennett’s party) did not make it over the minimum required for Knesset representation.

We remain with a mystery, that Bibi remains strong, despite his trial. Likud Knesset Members are reluctant to depart from him, and some of them are loud supporters.

And now we’re hearing of a unity between Gantz and Sa’ar. There may be others before the election. In fact, there is little by way of principle or ideology to separate one party from the others. What we have is pro-Bbi vs anti=Bibi, along with the ultra-Orthodox.

Prominent is this week’s visit by President Biden. Benny Gantz spoke with Mahmoud Abbas in order to cement cooperation. Security personnel are getting ready. We’ll see how the visit plays out. Will it help Yair Lapid? What’ll the Palestinians receive? and What transpires with the President’s later visit to Saudi Arabia?.

Among the possibilities are those associated with the US position friendly with the two-state solution. Does this portend some advance between Israel and Palestine? Mahmoud Abbas has called superficial Israeli moves to date. And what about some closer approach between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia? That is another of Biden’s visits. Some would say that it is higher on his priorities than Israel.

Could Yair Lapid couple something for the Palestinians with a more open relation with Saudi Arabia? That may be too much for a temporary Prime Minister. Especially in the context of an election campaign where Bibi is polling as the ranking candidate.

Prominent in the President’s visit is Iran, and its threats against Israel and various Muslim countries. Things aren’t looking good for an agreement with Iran to halt its move toward nuclear weapons.


And now, the killing of Abe Shinzo. Japan is not without its crazies, despite a reputation for an orderly and obedient society. The New York Times claims the US gun sales and deaths reached a height in 2021.

Ira Sharkansky is professor emeritus of political science at Hebrew University.  He may be contacted via