Southern California’s Laura Stein Honored at Israel Bonds International Leadership Conference

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release) — A longstanding Southern California-based advocate for Israel and the Development Corporation for Israel/Israel Bonds was among Israel Bonds’ 2023 International Leadership Conference Honorees at the organization’s recent convening in Washington, D.C.

From left to right, Israel Bonds’ National and International Chairman of the Board Howard L. Goldstein, Laura S. Stein, Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Herzog, and President and CEO of Israel Bonds Dani Naveh at Israel Bonds’ International Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. Courtesy of Israel Bonds.

Laura S. Stein of Beverly Hills was among 11 honorees who were recognized at a special dinner hosted by Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Herzog at the Israeli Embassy in Washington.

Laura is a frontrunner in securities class action litigation. Currently serving as a leader in several community and national organizations, she sits on the Israel Bonds National Campaign Advisory Council and chairs the Los Angeles Women’s Division, the Board of Directors of Beat the Streets Los Angeles, the Board of Governors of Cedars Sinai Medical Center, the WIZO LA Board, and the Western Region Board of the American Friends of Sheba Medical Center.

“This honor from Israel Bonds represents the life’s work of my entire family — my mother, my sister, my husband, and many more,” Laura Stein said. “We strive to create a bond between Israel and the Diaspora. Our commitment to a safe and secure Israel is unwavering. I am humbled by being in the company of such incredible Zionists and I pledge to continue to do all I can to support Israel.”

Laura joined other honorees from across the U.S. at Israel Bonds’ International Leadership Conference in Washington DC from March 12-14. Israel Bonds’ National and International Board and Council members came together to celebrate Israel’s upcoming 75th birthday.

Ambassador Herzog congratulated the honorees, saying, “Israel Bonds International Leadership Conference has a special meaning this year as we mark the 75th year of independence of the Jewish, democratic State of Israel. This year we also mark 75 years of the unique alliance between Israel and the United States of America, our closest ally. In its 75 years of existence, the State of Israel has been propelled to success by a variety of important supporters and organizations and a key one is Israel Bonds. Perhaps it has become a cliché, but it’s true when they say, ‘it takes a village.’ Our village is made up [of these] honorees and I want to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank each and every one of you.”

Israel Bonds’ National and International Chairman of the Board Howard L. Goldstein said, “As someone who’s been involved in Israel Bonds for over 40 years, it’s gratifying to honor these outstanding advocates for the Jewish state. Each one of them has an extraordinary passion for Israel and define what it means to be an exemplary lay leader. Together, we’ve seen Israel achieve the impossible and we’re eager to see what other triumphs are in store for the next 75 years.”

Dani Naveh, President and CEO of Israel Bonds, added, “We are so proud of Laura S. Stein. She is a role model for unconditional support for the State of Israel and its people. Our Honorees play a decisive role in Israel Bonds campaigns, with their support and their valuable introductions which enable Israel’s rapid evolution into a global leader in pioneering cutting-edge technologies — all while making a financial investment on a personal level. This win-win proposition offered by Israel Bonds is poised to stand the test of time.”

For 72 years, Israel Bonds has focused on one mission: to generate financial support for the building and development of Israel’s economy. Its long-standing unwavering support for Israel’s strong democratic principles and its dynamic economy is the driving force behind the organization’s vision.

As such, with political protests sweeping Israel and abroad, Israel Bonds is working through periods of heightened passions and political rhetoric that’s leading to demonstrations and protests. As a U.S. based financial organization, Israel Bonds respects people’s rights to engage peacefully in the democratic process, both in the U.S. and in Israel. The organization continues to maintain that any attempt to politicize their work is unhelpful and misplaced. Israel Bonds does not endorse any political position of any politician, administration, or ideology. That is why it hopes people will recognize the importance of ensuring politics does not impact their good work.

To date, the organization has secured more than $48 billion in investments worldwide since its first bonds were first issued in 1951, with the proceeds playing an instrumental role in Israel’s transformation into a groundbreaking global innovator in various industries.


Preceding provided by Israel Bonds