You Might Be Experiencing Climate Change If

By Laurie Baron

Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO — You might be experiencing climate change if:

You wear an N-95 mask whenever you go outside for reasons other than Covid-19 protection.

The city where you live is building swimming pool sized ashtrays in public parks.

Your inland house has become beachfront property.

You plan to purchase a Tesla despite how much you loath Elon Musk.

You notice on an Atlantic Ocean cruise that what in the past would have been icebergs are now the size of ice cubes.

Greenland has changed into green land.

Smokey the Bear has retired because he can’t keep up with all the wildfires.

Your monthly water bill is larger than your monthly mortgage payment.

Birds no longer need to migrate south during winter.

The world’s oceans are no longer used for diving, surfing, and swimming, but serve only as hot tubs.

The National Hurricane Center runs out of names for new hurricanes.


Baron is professor emeritus at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via

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