City Council President Elo-Rivera Appeals for Information on Antisemitic Attack

By Donald H. Harrison

Sean Elo-Rivera
Donald H. Harrison

SAN DIEGO — Eight days after Orthodox Rabbi Aharon Shapiro, 65, suffered an attack at a 7-Eleven store in the College area, there still has been no arrest — even though the perpetrator clearly was seen on the store’s security cameras.

This prompted San Diego City Council President Sean Elo-Rivera, who is a member of the Jewish community, on Tuesday, Aug. 1, to “urge the public to come forward with information on who is responsible for this attack and other antisemitic activities in our city.”

In a news release, Elo-Rivera commented, “All people have a right to practice their religion without fear of violence or prejudice. More and more often, our Jewish community is being targeted with antisemitic attacks and discrimination. This is unacceptable and the most recent example in our region–an attack on a member of the College Area’s Jewish community–infuriates me.”

He added in the news release, “It is despicable to discriminate against people for their religion and particularly cowardly to target an older, more vulnerable resident. These acts of hatred against our Jewish community must stop. We won’t be intimidated, and we won’t be deterred from proudly practicing our religion.”

“We also need the support of all San Diegans who respect freedom of religion and desire to live in an inclusive, welcoming democracy,” he said.

Shapiro, in an interview with San Diego Jewish World, said he was confronted on Monday, July 24, by a White man, with shoulder-length brown hair, and aged between 30 and 35, who first verified that Shapiro was Jewish and then cussed out both Jews and Israel.  Shapiro said he tried to ignore the man’s insults, but the man carried the assault further, grabbing Shapiro’s tzitzits (ceremonial fringes), ripping one from his garment and throwing it onto the floor.  Shapiro chased the man but could not catch up with him.

San Diego Police Lt. Adam Sharki has said that the case is being investigated as a hate crime, but there has been no update on the case since.

Shapiro works as a kosher inspector of food manufacturing facilities for the Orthodox Union.  He worships at the Chabad House at San Diego State University which, on several occasions, has suffered vandalism to its large outdoor menorah.

The attack came on the heels of leafleting by antisemitic group that has been attacking both Jews and Israel in neighborhoods near such congregations as Tifereth Israel Synagogue and Temple Emanu-El.

Donald H. Harrison is editor emeritus of San Diego Jewish World.  He may be contacted via